Low elo top laners should learn this champion in League of Legends

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Riven. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

The champion to learn to improve your top lane play has been staring you in the face all along. Here’s the hero you need to learn to climb today in League of Legends!

Now you may have seen the thumbnail image and thought to yourself, ‘There is no way this guy is telling low elo top lane players to learn Riven, right? Well, that is exactly what I am doing! Today I am going to convince you why you should be playing Riven in low elo to climb today!

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A quick precaution before we get into the reasons why you should be playing Riven: I am not telling you to first time Riven in your promos for instant wins. You are going to have to grind normal games to get the hang of the champion. Once you have the hang of it, try it in ranked and see how you like it.

With all of this being said, here is why you should be playing Riven to improve your elo and climb the ladder today!

High Play-Rate

Riven is by far the most popular top laner in every single server. As a result of this, if Riven goes unbanned she will likely be picked by one of the two teams in the game. This is a key factor in why you should start to play Riven in your games.

If Riven is picked on the enemy team, you will know how her kit works and all of her little mechanics from learning the champion to play her. Alternatively, if you are the first to pick or do not get top lane counter-pick, there is a high chance you could be denying your opponent’s main champion by picking her.

If you have the ability to play Riven to a good standard, you already have the upper-hand going into draft phase, but always have that counter pick prepared for when your opponent gets to pick her up before you!