League of Legends Rewind: 2015 URFitational

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

URF mode is a fan favorite for League of Legends players, but what happens when it becomes a matchup for pro players? Enter the classy affair know as the 2015 URFitational.

Ten professional League of Legends players made two very classy and well-respected teams in order to do battle on the hallowed grounds of URF mode. The match took place on April 1,2015, but you can be sure this was no joke and both teams gave it their all.

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The first of such teams was The Ye Old League Organization, or Y.O.L.O and made up of
HotShotGG, Reginald, TheOddOne, Alex Ich and ClakeyD as the starters, with  Maplestreet and Bergson as substitutes. Y.O.L.O was victorious over SKT and OMG to reach the finals of the eight-team bracket. 

The other team was the Society of Worth Assessing Gentlemen, or S.W.A.G and was made up of a roster of Saintvicious, Snoopeh, Xpecial, Chauster, and Scarra as starters and Doublelift and  Aphromoo as substitutes. S.W.A.G had wins over Fnatic and Kabum! on their side of the bracket to reach the finals.

The picks saw  Malzahar, Ezreal, Jayce, Nidalee and Ziggs for  Y.O.L.O and Skarner, Yorick, Ezreal, Galio and Fizz for S.W.A.G.

About seven minutes into the game we saw some kind of disturbance that ended with TheOddOne being ejected with the crowd then chanting not worth. Maplestreet then subbed in and took his shoe off before sitting down. Bjergsen was also subbed in. Then we had another quick kick of Scarra and a subbing out of Chauster in favor of  Aphromoo and Doublelift.

The action picked up fast with 22 kills nine and a half minutes in and just kept going. Y.O.L.O then picked it up with heavy poking and took down the Nexus in 18:14. They finished with  41 kills to S.W.A.G’s 22 and held a  gold advantage of 16,000.

This was a fun match to watch and really shows just how fun URF is. Even being high-level professionals they had some fun, while still taking it seriously enough it wasn’t a fiesta. In the end, Y.O.L.O took the golden spatula and reigned supreme as champions of the UrFitational.

Yet in the end I think the fans won also, they got to match a fun watch with lots of professional players in it. It was a cool demonstration of how well the pros can play different formats than just usual League of Legends. The best way to describe it is just fun, plain and simple, good clean fun.

I’m glad someone had the sense to tape this for people to watch again and again. It would stink for those that got into League in later seasons to miss out on this true gem.

So throwback to 2015 and watch the UrFitational today.