League of Legends: Reviewing the New Heartseeker Skins

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games

Happy early Valentine’s Day, League of Legends fans! You can now celebrate the occasion with two new Heartseeker skins!

The Heartseeker skin line is making its return to League of Legends on Patch 10.3. You can now add Heartseeer Jinx and Yuumi to your collection, but are they worth the investment? Here’s our review:

Heartseeker Jinx

The Jinx skin costs 1350 RP. At first, I didn’t think this theme would fit Jinx. What about her persona screams love and Valentine’s Day? Though she does look cute with a smile on her face and pink hair.

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I love what they did to her Flame Chompers by transforming them into a box of chocolates, adding a whole new meaning to the term “death by chocolate”.

Maybe stopping and smelling the roses would be better? It might be if you don’t mind taking massive damage from her Super Mega Death Rocket which now turns into a death spiral bouquet of roses. Oh well, at least she bought flowers to your death screen.

There’s no shortage of golds, reds, purples, and pinks in the color scheme of this skin. It also features plenty of hearts to live up to the name of the skin. This skin also comes with seven chroma options.

I do think this skin is very nice and worth the 1350 RP price tag. It’s definitely a different look for Jinx, but it works.

Heartseeker Yuumi

Then we have the Yuumi skin also priced at 1350 RP. The first thing I noticed about this skin is that book is now heart-shaped, which I think is pretty cool.

Her Ultimate turns pink and has a picture of a teddy bear in it. I don’t get what a teddy bear has to do with cats and rooting people, but why not?

Her Prowling Projectile is now a heart as well, adding to the theme of the skin.

I’m not surprised they chose Yuumi to be included in this skin line. She seems to fit in with little effort and it makes for a cute skin.

I could see Yummi mains eating this one up and it might be more popular than Battle Principle Yuumi. Chromas are also available for this skin. Note this skin is going to be available in the store for a year, then it will become a legacy.

I think both of these skins are very well done and worth the RP. The unfortunate thing is the other skin released this patch was Prestige True Damage Senna, which is gorgeous. So expect the Senna skin to get more attention and love than these two.