LCS Summer 2020: Rating and Ranking Every Starting LCS Player

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

We continue our LCS player power ratings and rankings ahead of Summer 2020!

20. Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik (TSM, Top) – 79 OVR (+4)

In his third split in North America, Broken Blade stepped up to solidify his position as one of the best top laners in the LCS. Although he is regarded as one of the more carry-oriented top laners, Broken Blade actually did a lot with very little. His 360.9 adjusted GPM was among the lowest in the league, thanks to his 22.6% gold share.

One area where BB definitely needs to improve, though, is in his laning. He averaged a 4 CS and 24 XP deficit at 15 minutes despite getting more early jungle pressure than most top laners (he had a 5.2% jungle proximity, compared to the top lane average of 4.7%).

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19. Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen (Evil Geniuses, Jungler) – 80 OVR (-4)

It’s overlooked by many, but man oh man did Svenskeren have a disappointing follow up to his MVP award in 2019 Summer. In the Spring Split, Sven “led” all junglers in deaths per game and low-quality deaths. He also had a 30.5% share of his team’s deaths, tied with Dardoch for the highest share of any player in the LCS.

He was often behind in tempo, averaging the biggest XP deficit at 15 of all junglers, as well as massive CS and gold differentials to boot. While the mid synergy with Jiizuke did eventually develop, it looked like the mid laner was the more effective player in EG’s late-season run.

18. Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen (Team Liquid, Mid) – 80 OVR (-)

Jensen was probably Team Liquid’s best player in the Spring Split. Right there, that should be the first sign of trouble for TL.

Jensen has always been a solid player, if unspectacular. He can be a good contributor in terms of damage and kill participation, but he’s rarely the guy teams should be investing a lot of gold and resources into.

That was the position Liquid found themselves in last split with Doublelift underperforming. Jensen did admirably in the role (71.5% kill participation, 29.3% kill share, 502.7 adjusted DPM, all well above average) but the team struggled nonetheless. Perhaps with time to develop synergy with Broxah he can be fully “unlocked” to be that prime carry, but the burden to carry is going to be fully on Jensen in Summer 2020 and I don’t know if he’s up to that challenge.

17. William “Meteos” Hartman (100 Thieves, Jungler) – 80 OVR (+2)

Another lunchpail player who comes in to do his job, Meteos is at least in the role, jungle, that’s designed to enable other players to carry. In the Spring Split, he did just that by being the best jungler in the LCS by vision control. He also managed to do a respectable amount of damage for how little gold he was allotted, with among the highest damage-to-gold ratios in the jungle.

16. Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam (Evil Geniuses, Support) – 81 OVR (+5)

The best support in the league in terms of adjusted KP, thanks to his ridiculously low 15.5% death share, Zeyzal was one of the strongest supports in the great quest to not feed over needless deaths. With only six unforced deaths, he was one of only three LCS supports to do this in the Spring Split. The other two were Vulcan and CoreJJ, so that’s pretty good company to be in.