League of Legends: Ranking the Best Christmas Skins

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Here are the best League of Legends skins to get you in the Christmas spirit.

25. Snow Day Graves

Price: 1350 RP

I like the idea behind Snow Day Graves, with him dressed in layers and his shotgun replaced by a snowblower, but the skin just feels a bit generic for some reason. The particles, new effects, and animations are all top-notch, but for this price, there are better and more festive options.

24. Santa Gragas

Price: 975 RP

Man, this skin really should be higher up the list, but it’s held back due to quality. The theme is 100% on point and should work wonderfully for Gragas. He comes fully kitted out with his Santa outfit and his cask of ale is replaced with Santa’s bag of toys.

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Unfortunately, the model just looks too cheap and clunky to warrant being placed higher on this list. And also, if you zoom in, Gragas looks like he came from a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, which is most definitely not the Christmas spirit we are going for.

23. Snowmerdinger

Price: 975 RP

The champion model is plenty festive, as he’s now an anthropomorphous snowman wielding candy canes. His turrets have also gotten into the Christmas spirit, as they’re little cannons on sleds with wrapped cannons. And his new recall animation comes with a sled blasting him off, which is adorable. All he’s missing to be a top-tier winter skin is something else on the effects.

22. Snow Man Yi

Price: 1350 RP

The quality on this skin is definitely there, as the champion model looks great and there are some fun effects on Yi’s abilities. The recall animation even features a reindeer gnawing on Yi’s sword, which has been transformed into a carrot. The problem I have is that the theme just doesn’t seem to work and Master Yi just reminds me of the evil snowman from the Jack Frost movies more than Frosty.

21. Candy Cane Miss Fortune

Price: 975 RP

The champion model is on point, as she’s dressed up as a sexy Santa and her guns are given a red and green wrapping paper. The problem is that her effects are unchanged and she has no voice lines. This is a Christmas skin, no doubt, but it’s lacking something more to become a top-tier holiday skin.