The free champ rotation for June 1st rolled in, and boy do we have an awesome selection of champions.
It’s Monday! And you all know what that means in the league of legends world. Free champion rotation comes in and boy is it a doozy.

The first thing that pops up in my face with this champion rotation is Garen. First of all, I love the might of demacia just as much as the next guy. He was my first main, and will forever hold a place in my heart. But when Riot goes ahead and disrespects me by putting him on the free champ list it just makes me mad. Everyone and their brother already owns Garen. And Riot knows that.
Next up is Graves: the outlaw. Be careful when playing Graves, it just might make you want to never play this game again. As far as ADC’s go, Graves is a little different than all those other carrys out there. He is more difficult to use in lane, and in team fights if your team doesn’t peel for you, Graves is essentially useless. Still a fun champ though all in all.
Lulu is one of those champions that is as versatile as is annoying. Lulu can play top or mid, but will most likely be found supporting the likes of one of her ADC’s. Hey, maybe even Graves! The best part about Lulu is her Ult. Ever in a bad situation where your Nasus keeps going in 1 v 5 and blames his teammates for not getting there quick enough? Well, simply Ult Nasus and maybe your team can save him.
Orianna was once one of the most popular champions to play in the pro circuit. She is extremely powerful late game, and that shock wave will leave opposing teams shuddering if used correctly. Give Orianna a go if you really want to get fancy in mid.
For those of you who love heavy damage champs, maybe you should give Quinn a go. She can also play a wide range of roles including Mid, Top, or ADC.
Shyvana is also free this week, which means a number of things for those of you in solo que. You are going to face one of the most annoying junglers in the game. Go ahead, ward the river, it doesn’t matter once Shyvana turns into her dragon form and wrecks every living thing in her way.
Skarner is also one of those champs who will wreck you late game if you let him farm. Skarner is a solid ganking jungler as well if he uses his ult correctly. Be on the lookout for this scorpion in solo que.
Syndra is one of the most annoying champions to play in mid. She will poke you and poke you and poke you until she is out of mana and you are pressing b as fast as you can. Then when she hits 6, you better not hang in lane because as soon as she lands her stun her ult is going to mess you up.
It seems like Udyr was just in free champ select just yesterday. Well, now he is back and it’s time for those of you who have always wanted to give him a go to start. Udyr is an extremely unique champ in that he can change forms to do different things. Whether it’s a stun, or movement speed, or even more armor, Udyr has got it all! Highly recommend for those of you trying to get out of bronze.
Finally, Zilean is free this week. The best part about Zilean is of course, his ult. Picture this: You are sitting in bot lane as Jinx and Ashe is getting low on healthy. She misses her ult because you are a far superior ADC so you and your support go all in. Then you realize you are getting low on health, but it is too late for Ashe. She dies and you start setting your eyes on Ashe’s support: Zilean. But wait! Zilean ulted Ashe and she is back hitting you with a face full of frozen arrows and now you are looking at your respawn time with a confused look and your tail between your legs. I bet you really want to try him out now.
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