Reginald opens up about the failures of TSM


TSM has been a monster disappointment all season long, but they still have time to make things right before the split is over.

The current team for TSM might be one of the greatest underachievers in the history of not only League of Legends, but eSports in general.

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They haven’t officially reached that territory yet since they could go on a magical run in the playoffs, but that’s the only thing that could save this team.

TSM brought together one of the strongest rosters that the West has ever seen, and yet they barely made the North American playoffs by going 9-9 in the regular season which earned them the sixth and final playoff spot. Think about that for a second. You’re supposed to be a powerhouse of a team, and yet you can’t even dominate the competition in North America? That’s what some may call ungood.

Andy “Reginald” Dinh, owner of TSM, was the latest person focused in Lol Esports’ Drive series, and he was brutally honest about his team’s current situation. “We have a lot to work on, man. The roster didn’t turn out as I expected. I was caught by surprise, to be honest with you. But at the end of the day, I can’t really spend time on regretting my decisions I made. I need to be focused on fixing it,” said Reginald.

Soon after that, Reginald really opened up about the current failures of TSM: “I paid a premium for veteran players, because I wanted them to be able to run my team for me. I wanted them to be autonomous. I forgot about how TSM has been successful throughout the years. We’ve been the team known to bring up new talent – amateur or new challenger players – and making them stars,” Reginald explained before ending it with, “This season, I wanted to buy the best players. And that’s not how it works. It’s not like just cause you have a big paycheck doesn’t mean you’re going to build the best team. I got sloppy and am paying for it right now.”

Reginald already appears a lot in TSM: Legends, but he has never quite opened up like this on it before. Sure, he has unloaded some truth on a player or coach, but he’s never sat down with the camera and simply poured everything out as he did here.

It’s wonderful to get this insight from him, but it must be incredibly weird for his players. Imagine them watching this for the first time. It has to be uncomfortable hearing your boss talk about how you are failing and how much that troubles him. Could it be seen as a motivator to some? Absolutely. However, there’s also a lot of people out there that would be devastated from it, and a person like that could very well be one of his five players.

I got sloppy and am paying for it right now.

The timing of this also doesn’t seem optimal. It’s one thing to have your owner doing this when the split is completely over, but TSM is currently preparing to play Cloud9 in the first round of the playoffs on Saturday. This is a distraction they don’t need.

As previously mentioned, there’s still a slight bit of hope left for TSM. This has been the season from hell for them and their fans, but winning can fix everything. If TSM can go on an insane run to win the North American playoffs, everyone will forget about them struggling to reach .500 in the regular season and the focus will be brought back to how much potential they have.

Unfortunately, that scenario only lives with a slight bit of hope. The logical thing to expect would be TSM losing. They might lose in the opening round, but even if they win that, the super squad of Immortals would await them in the following round – and TSM has given us no reason to believe they could defeat them.

The Cinderella ending is still there, but signs point towards a different TSM next split. Reginald has found out the hard way that you can’t just buy a great team. It has to happen.