Patch 6.12 is packed with great changes.
6.12 is finally out, and while you should still go over the exact patch notes yourself, here is a rundown of all the buffs, nerfs and changes.
Champion Buffs
Corki’s W cooldown has been decreased from 26/23/20/17/14 seconds to 20/19/18/17/16 seconds. The damage on his E has been increased from 80/128/176/224/312 to 80/140/200/260/320, and its ticks per second has been increased from two to four. Lastly, on Corki’s E, once it has reached max shred, further ticks against the same target reset the shred duration.
Syndra’s ability power ratio on her W has been increased from 0.7 AP to 0.8 AP. Similarly, the ratio on her E has been increased from 0.4 AP to 0.5 AP.
Xin Zhao’s base health has been increased from 591 to 600, and his health growth stat has been increased from 87-92.
Champion Nerfs
Fizz’s hitbox has been increased from 30 to 55, which is the same as Teemo’s. The damage on his W has been decreased from 4/5/6/7/8 percent target’s missing health over three seconds to 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 percent target’s missing health over three seconds. Also, the cooldown on Fizz’s E has been increased from 16/14/12/10/8 seconds to 18/16/14/12/10 seconds.
Zed’s shadows from his W and R are now marked by a circular indicator.
Item Buffs
Infinity Edge’s attack damage has been increased from 65 to 70.
Essence Reaver’s attack damage has been increased from 65 to 70.
Lord Dominik’s Regards’ attack damage has been increased from 40 to 50.
Mortal Reminder’s attack damage has been increased from 40 to 50.
Bilgewater Cutlass’ total cost has been decreased from 1,650 to 1,500.
Item Nerfs
Youmuu’s Ghostblade’s attack damage has been decreased from 65 to 60.
Rod of Ages’ total cost has been increased from 2,600 to 2,700, and its percent mana to health conversion has been decreased from 0.25 to 0.2.
Hextech GLP-800’s percent mana to health conversion has been decreased from 0.25 to 0.2.
Righteous Glory’s percent mana to health conversion has been decreased from 0.25 to 0.2.
Changes to Masteries
Grasp of the Undying’s on-hit damage has been increased from 2.5 percent of your maximum health to 3.0 percent of your maximum health. However, its on-hit healing has been decreased from 2.5 percent of your maximum health to 1.5 percent of your maximum health.
Fervor of Battle now only gets one stack per ability cast instead of two.
Double Edged Sword now has the same benefits to both ranged and melee champions: 3.0 percent damage increase, 1.5 percent increased damage taken.
Natural Talent has a few changes. First, it now has 0.4 attack damage (+2 at rank five) and 0.6 ability power (+3 at rank five) at level one. Also, it’s attack damage per level has been decreased from 0.11 per rank to 0.09 per rank (+.45 at rank five) and its ability power per level has been decreased from 0.16 per rank to 0.13 per rank (+.65 at rank five).
Veteran’s Scars’ health per rank has been increased from nine to 10, and its total health has been increased from 9/18/27/36/45 to 10/20/30/40/50.
ARAM Changes
Bard’s chimes now spawn every 40 seconds instead of every 50 seconds.
Nasus will earn six stacks per unit kill instead of three.
Thresh’s souls count twice.
Every summoner spell besides Clarity and Mark/Dash has a 40 percent cooldown reduction.
Mark/Dash’s cooldown has been increased from 40 seconds to 48 seconds and the snowball width has been decreased from 100 to 80.
Clarity’s cooldown is decreased from 180 seconds to 144 seconds, its self-mana restore is increased from 40 percent maximum mana to 50 percent maximum mana and its ally mana restore is decreased from 40 percent maximum mana to 25 percent maximum mana.
Homestart: For the first five minutes of the game, leaving the fountain grants a 50 percent movement speed buff for 10 seconds.
Champions now require less total experience to hit level 18, but champion kills grant less total experience.
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Earning Gold in ARAM has been changed in a lot of ways. First, the ambient gold of 22 per five seconds has been increased to 25 per five seconds. Gold from killing a champion has been increased from 140 to 160. Finally, melee minions are worth 28 instead of 26, master minions 20 instead of 19, cannon minions 45 instead of 42 and super minions are worth 45 instead of 42.
Health packs have been changed so that its mana restore of 120-315 (at levels 3-18) has been decreased to 60-158 (at levels 3-18), and they now respawn every 60 seconds instead of every 40 seconds.
The overall landscape has been changed so that the space between the center brushes extends further, the side areas of both Outer Turrets are now larger and the side areas for each base are larger.
Removed items: Doran’s Blade, Doran’s Rink, Doran’s Shield, Arcane Sweeper, The Lightbringer, Orb of Winter, Entropy and Wicket Hatchet.
New/updated items: Oracle’s Extract, Guardian’s Horn, Guradian’s Hammer, Guardian’s Orb and Refillable Potion.
However, the most important change is that all team members will receive an extra Poro-Snax on the first turret kill.
Other Changes
/Remake finally launches. This fixes the issue of a four-on-five game at the three-minute mark without taking a loss.
Champion mastery is now available on all maps (Summoner’s Rift, Howling Abyss and Twisted Treeline).
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