Setting up the perfect connection for optimal gameplay in League

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Need some tips to ensure the best possible connection when playing League of Legends? Here’s how to setup the perfect connection for optimal gameplay.

We’ve all been there before. We’re trying to sit down for a few hours and put in some matches in League of Legends. Maybe you start out in the Twisted Treeline to shake off some rust before heading into the Summoner’s Rift for the real action.

Then next thing you know, you noticed a significant delay when it comes to your champion’s movement or trying to cast an ability and it simply doesn’t go through. You’re frustrated, annoyed, and even contemplating of uninstalling League once and for all.

Hopefully, you see that any kind of situation like that almost always comes back to your internet connection. No matter where you live in the world, the concept remains the same; you need the best connection to succeed. It even spawned a YouTube video by League on how to better improve your internet connection when things aren’t registering like they should be when your computer communicates with League’s servers.

Always remember, a hard-wired connection is always best when available. Make sure right before you fire up the League client, exit out of all applications. That’s right, make sure to close Facebook, exit out of iTunes, and it might even be best to restart your computer right before playing in the grand scheme of things.

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That will ensure your PC is free of background applications that could hog up resources, or worst yet, use bandwidth that could delay your actions in League.

Make sure to exit out of Steam or any other gaming clients as well since the majority of the time, they’ll auto download any game updates you have installed on your computer. The last thing you need is 26 minutes into your match, you start lagging hard because Steam is updating a game.

If WiFi is your only option, make sure to get the best possible router/modem possible. Obviously, the higher, the better. WiFi connections are fine provided that when gaming, you let everyone know to stop streaming or downloading things. If that isn’t an option, playing at night when everyone is either about to sleep or planning to, might be ideal.

Overall, these are some helpful tips to ensure a much better gaming experience without any lag or hiccups in the heat of the moment. An optimal gaming connection is necessary to play League since you don’t want to be left behind when the action starts going. Have any other connection tips for your fellow Summoners? Share them below in the comments section!