Aatrox continues to gain some serious momentum

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After getting some serious nerfs a few patch updates ago, some new buffs to Aatrox is making him gain some serious momentum in League of Legends.

We all remember it like it was yesterday. After patch update 7.5 dropped in League of Legends, Aatrox was horribly nerfed. His win rate dropped tremendously as Summoners decided to main another top or jungle champion.

After getting a health boost and some cooldowns on his abilities, Aatrox is making a serious name for himself. He’s now a viable option in either role as his win rate as per Champion.gg is at a whopping 75.58% in top lane!

It’s a good sign that while many felt Aatrox would continue to decline, Summoners actually started selecting him more often after he got buffed as now he’s back as a premier option. While his win rate isn’t as high in the jungle, he’s still able to sustain a good amount of clear time when taking down monsters.

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Even Aatrox’s ultimate ability, Massacre, is a solid move to have in longer than usual matches. He can end up being a wrecking crew that surprises teammates once he pops it and goes to work. In addition to that, the ability to gain an increase in damage thanks to his Blood Thirst/Blood Prince ability comes in very handy to dominate his lane or clear the jungle at an even faster rate.

Aatrox’s damage output can spike pretty quickly which explains why he tends to usually dominate his lane. Needless to say, he’s also been a popular ban choice because opposing Summoner’s know he can be a handful to deal with once he’s high level and has his premium gear on.

The only real reason Aatrox struggles in the jungle comes down to how he’s geared up and what items are best to stack. It hasn’t been mastered yet but his win rate in the jungle role should increase over time as Summoners start getting the hang of everything he brings to the table. In this particular case, make sure to stack on items that have Attack Speed, Attack Damage, and Life Steal if you want to give using him as an option in the jungle a try.

Overall, Aatrox continues to be a solid option and those of you that already enjoy playing in the top lane would be wise to add him into your main rotation. Looks like he’s only going to gain more popularity which means lots of wins hopefully coming your way.