Thresh is top free champion to play in April Week 2

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The free champion rotation in League of Legends is out for April Week 2 as Thresh, the Chain Warden, tops the list as the best to play with.

This week, League of Legends officially announced their free champion rotation for April Week 2. Looks like this time around, they put an emphasis on the Support and Marksman roles. For Summoners looking forward to trying something new this week, especially in a Support role, Thresh, the Chain Warden, would be the best champion to play with.

It’s no secret that while many Summoners prefer other roles than playing Support or fighting monsters in the jungle, it’s always good to try new champions at every opportunity. Not only would you improve as a Summoner but one could possibly find a whole new role to master and thrive in.

Thresh is one of the top Support champions in League of Legends as he currently has a 49.75 percent win rate as per When playing him, make sure to stock up on attack damage and magic resist runes and enjoy everything he brings to the table.

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With his awesome “Death Sentence” ability that can hook enemy champions and reel them in for the kill, he pairs up well with his bottom ADC partner. Thresh synergizes well with champions like Ziggs, Lucian, and Twitch. When queueing up, make sure to let your teammates know to ensure you leave the match victorious.

Thresh’s “Dark Passage” utility works well when trying to push a lane and not have to worry about being broken up in the heat of battle. Not only does it shield your ADC well but you can zip him back to you in a heartbeat. This tactic works well late in matches especially if you’re able to execute it properly with his hook ability to really push the bottom lane.

Overall, give Thresh a try if you haven’t given him a shot yet. Once you get used to his mechanics, he’s a pretty fun and effective Support champion to master that could easily turn into a main down the road.