Mastering Draven during free champion rotation

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With the free champion rotation coming to an end over the weekend in League of Legends, here are some tips on mastering Draven, the Glorious Executioner.

In League of Legends this week, the free champion rotation is a pretty decent roster of some popular characters to choose from. Whether you want to give Camille a shot in top lane or use Cho’Gath in mid, it’s always good to try out new champions every week.

For this particular week, however, here are some tips to use if you decide to play as Draven, the Glorious Executioner, in the Summoner’s Rift. For starters, he’s a very popular choice for the bottom lane as an ADC. As per, Draven wins about 50.68 percent of his games when playing this role.

Before you start using him in the bottom lane, make sure to redo your runes, masteries, and strategize on his most successful skill order. Make sure to stack up on attack damage and attack speed items as these are the two main stats to use as you level Draven up.

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When queueing up and in chat, make sure to let your fellow teammates know that Draven partners up well with Blitzcrank, Sona, and Sion. It’s important to have the right team makeup in order to be successful so make sure that if your bottom laner is fine with either of the aforementioned champions, the results should end with a victory.

Draven is fun yet challenging to play with since he has a great harassing ability in “Stand Aside” and can truly dish out a ton of damage. The only problem is mastering his abilities and knowing when to pick your battles. It’s easy for Draven to get camped early on in matches as you want to avoid getting camped which could tilt your lane in favor of the enemy team.

Overall, if you’ve never played Draven, take your time with him and above all else, make sure to put in some bot matches before playing against real opponents. Practice makes perfect and once you are able to use his abilities in the most opportune situations, you’ll enjoy everything Draven brings to the table.