Breaking down the new Vastaya race

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League of Legends recently announced the discovery of a new race called Vastaya. They’re a mix of human and animals that are tied into the spirit realm.

In case you haven’t heard yet, there is a new race that has been discovered in League of Legends called the Vastaya. For those Summoners out there that play as Nami, Rengar, Ahri, or Wukong, you’ve been playing as a Vastayan all along. And yes, Rakan and Xayah, the two newest champions in League of Legends, are also of this mysterious new race.

As per the League of Legends Wiki, they have spiritual magic and are a hybrid mix of animal and human. They can look different but still have that hybrid look of man and beast. Even when looking at a champion like Rengar, it’s easy to tell that he has characteristics of both, especially when his patented Thrill of the Hunt ability is activated.

Those of the Vastayan lineage have the ability to live forever due to their ties to the spirit realm. They basically use this to their advantage and are able to adapt no matter their surrounding are. Hence why you have Vastayan that are able to survive in the jungles of Ionia, deep underwater, and even out in frozen mountains.

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Taking a look at Ahri, it’s easy to see her Vastayan heritage since she’s able to use essences and magic to her advantage. This also explains why even Wukong uses this special racial trait to make decoys of himself to fool his enemies as he plots his next move. The way these champions adapt to anything thrown their way is remarkable.

In a field journal that was found by the missing explorer and chronicler Eduard Santangelo, showcases first-hand everything that the Vastaya are all about. He wrote about all their shapeshifting and diversity as a race. It’s only a matter of time before more answers come out as to how this new race will impact the rest of the lore in League of Legends and of

It’s only a matter of time before more answers come out as to how this new race will impact the rest of the lore in League of Legends and of course when even more champions are discovered. The kind that is ready to prove their worth in the Fields of Justice.