Breaking down the upcoming Heimerdinger update

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It looks like Heimerdinger, the Revered Inventor, is getting an update in the future that will make him not such a hard-hitting champion in League of Legends.

Heimerdinger is one of those champions that can get rather annoying if you’re facing him either in the top or mid lanes of League of Legends. Once Heimerdinger gets all three of his turrets down, he can be devastating to face, especially if you’re a melee champion.

In an article written by James “Obscurica” Chen for, it looks like developers are working on an update to somewhat nerf Heimerdinger but make him more skill-based rather than have his turrets doing all the dirty work.

Reading over Chen’s article, the upcoming changes make a whole lot of sense in the grand scheme of things. Heimerdinger’s W, Hextech Micro-Rockets, will give nearby turrets a 20 percent boost in their beam attacks.

The same principles go with his E, CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade, as when you hit an enemy champion, all nearby turrets will hit them with a full beam attack. These are just of the big changes coming to Heimerdinger in the future which at the end of the day, will enable champions to step up their game if they’re to remain effective in the Fields of Justice.

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These changes shouldn’t really affect his primary or secondary role in League of Legends. If anything, it will balance things out nicely as enemy champions won’t get locked out of a massive portion of a lane due to his annoying turrets that are strategically placed.

At this point in time, Heimerdinger has a win rate of 46.62 percent in the top lane and a 48.62 percent win rate in mid. It will be interesting to see how all these future changes could very well boost his winning percentage in top lane, as he’s not a popular choice at the moment.

Overall, these changes should bode well for those Summoners that main Heimerdinger and are looking for a revitalization of the Yordle champion. It will require some getting used to but should make it exciting to be a more ability-based champion while also offering your enemies a chance to see what you’re made of when facing off.