The return of Your Shop in gaming client

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League of Legends brought back the ever popular Your Shop directly into the gaming client. Make sure to unlock yours today!

For those unfamiliar with Your Shop, it’s an incredible feature in League of Legends that gives every single Summoner a different set of discounts specifically for their profile. It unlocks six cards that you click on to reveal what could contain some incredible offers.

League of Legends will pick custom skins and champions for you that are relatively new at incredible discounts. Believe it or not, even Legacy skins might be available once you visit Your Shop to see what discounts await you.

If for some reason you get an amazing new skin for a champion you don’t own yet, you will also get the same percentage discount on that champion. As per League of Legends directly, Ultimate, Legendary, Limited, and even Loot-exclusive skins will unfortunately not be available via Your Shop.

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Make sure to log into the new gaming client between now and 6/6/17 at 23:59 PT to see what has been selected for you. To give you an idea of how it works, for me personally, I unlocked a Warring Kingdoms Garen (-40%), Phantom Karthus (-50%), Snowmerdinger (-40%), Dragonslayer Pantheon (Epic skin: -50%), Uncle Ryze (-60%), and Debonair Ezreal (-70%).

Needless to say, I’m happy with the results for my personal Your Shop. To get that epic Dragonslayer Pantheon skin will pair up nicely with my other Dragonslayer skin in Jarvan IV. At half off, it’s a no-brainer to purchase, at least in my case.

Keep in mind that once you unlock every item in Your Shop, you will have a specific date/time as to when they expire but don’t worry about it in the grand scheme of things. League of Legends will usually give you at least two months to decide whether it’s worth purchasing or not. Especially for those skins of champions, you might not own yet. Perhaps over time, it’ll grow on you and your specific discount will still be applicable.