Spectral Fiddlesticks is best skin in May Week 3

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Since the weekend is finally here, don’t be afraid to take advantage of some great discounts on skins in League of Legends. Spectral Fiddlesticks is easily the best skin to buy in May Week 3.

Ah yes, Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom, is a pretty awesome champion. Primarily a jungle and support champion, Fiddlesticks does well in either role. He clears the jungle fairly quickly and when setting up quality ganks, tends to hit enemy champions hard the moment he enters the fray.

Out of all his skins, Spectral Fiddlesticks is easily the best one to use when in the Summoner’s Rift. Not only does it look pretty creepy but it’s also 50 percent off this week. Originally 520 RP, it’s now only 260 RP so if you already own Fiddlesticks and are looking for a new skin, this is the way to go.

Fiddlesticks is mostly an AEO kind of champion as his ultimate, R – Crowstorm, truly packs a punch. It does massive damage to everyone inside of its range and is perfect for engaging team fights and leaving victorious.

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While many feel Fiddlesticks is more efficient in a support role due to his ability to silence enemies and heal up quickly with his W – Drain, don’t let it deter you from using him as a quality jungler. His kit is meant to clear jungle quickly and be an efficient ganker once he levels up and is ready to do some serious damage.

If you’ve never played Fiddlesticks and want to use this opportunity to give him a shot while purchasing his awesome Spectral skin, make sure to read up on how to use him properly at Champion.gg. For the most part, stock up on items that have a plethora of Ability Power, Magic Resist, and Armor to ensure you’re ready for anything coming your way.

Speaking of which, when banning champions that counter Fiddlesticks, definitely ban Gragas, Kha’Zix, and Karma. Overall, enjoy facing off against enemy champions in his awesome Spectral skin since it truly goes great with the overall image of his character and well, makes him look like one evil-looking scarecrow.