Patch 7.11 will finally bring 10 ban system

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Finally, we can ban Yasuo and Nasus mains more than ever before. League of Legends is set to bring a 10 ban system in an upcoming patch update.

League of Legends has announced that Patch 7.11 will bring the 10 ban system to the game for everyone to play. If you watch the League Championship Series (LCS), you have seen the 10 bans in place since January. Riot Games is changing the way that the system will work for non-LCS games. Now, you will need 20 champions to play draft queue.

The pro-players ban three champs, pick three, ban two, then pick two champs. For everyone else, we will be banning five champs simultaneously at the start of a round. Players will be able to see who their team plans on banning but won’t see who the opposing team is banning. This creates the possibility of double bans. Once both teams lock in their bans, the choices will be revealed to all players in the match and you will proceed to champion selection.

Riot Games addressed concerns regarding this system in their post about the new ban system. Don’t worry, though. They have gone to great lengths to make sure nobody dodges in champ select due to errors from the new system.

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You are allowed to select “no bans”. If you don’t want to ban a champ, don’t know who to ban, or have the same ban as someone else, this will be the default option for you. This way players aren’t forced to stress under pressure and panic ban Aatrox since he is the closest mouse-click. Don’t deny it, we’ve all been there.

The goal of this system is to give everyone equal input into the way a match may play out. The current system only lets the last three picks ban a champion, so the first two picks can only request a ban and hope for the best.

For what it is worth, I have made requests and generally, they have been granted by people on my team. Kudos to the League of Legends community. Regardless, now everyone can have their choice of bad match-ups or least favorite champions banned away.

The system was implemented this way to avoid longer queue times. The method the LCS uses would add up to two minutes to champion select, which would make dodges all the more painful for people who just sat through the whole queue. For this alone, I am very thankful. Sitting through a last second queue dodge is already painful enough as it stands.

Riot Games has promised to keep refining this system. They will work to bring it closer to what we see in the LCS over time. It should be exciting to see how they will change it in the future.