Breaking down 7.12 patch update to champions

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League of Legends recently dropped the 7.12 patch update that brings some nerfs, buffs, and kit changes to several champions.

Patch update 7.12 is officially live in League of Legends and the changes are noticeable right off the bat for several champions. Zac, for example, got a nerf to his overall damage output since he was able to dish out a lot and be quite hard to take down.

Other champions got some nice buffs to either their damage or survivability. As always, before using them in ranked competitive matches, give them a few matches in unranked play or even in the practice tool.

Here is a breakdown of all the changes that have come to champions directly from the Media Relations Department of League of Legends.


At first, Camille was truly a force to reckon with but has since cooled off after several nerfs to her overall kit. Now that she’s more of a viable champion, developers decided to give her some buffs to her damage and how often her shield procs.

"Passive – Adaptive DefensesCOOLDOWN 20/15/10 seconds ⇒ 16/13/10 seconds"
"Q – Precision ProtocolDELAYED SECOND HIT DAMAGE 180% ⇒ 200%"


Corki has been long forgotten due to how ineffective he has been in the mid lane and even more so as an ADC. Due to this, he got some buffs in this patch to give him more overall damage and hopefully, it’ll boost his ability to hold down either role.

"Base statsBASE ATTACK SPEED 0.625 ⇒ 0.638BASE ATTACK DAMAGE 56 ⇒ 58"
"Passive – Hextech MunitionsBASIC ATTACK DAMAGE 50% physical, 50% magic ⇒ 20% physical, 80% magic"
"W – ValkyrieNEW PREPARATION Phosphorous Bomb and Missile Barrage can now be buffered during Valkyrie’s travel time"


Ivern is seeing a buff to his E – Triggerseed since he’s been a bit strong as a jungler.

With the changes to several support/jungle items, it’s expected that he might have been overpowered unless a change to his main ability was made.

"E – TriggerseedDAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130"

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Everyone’s favorite arms champion gets a much-needed buff for his W – Empowered Strike. If he’s using it to last-hit minions or even auto-attack enemy champions, it now has a longer range.

"W – Empowered StrikeNEW BONUS RANGE If Jax uses Empowered Strike to empower a basic attack, it gains 50 extra range"


Jhin is getting a nerf when it comes to the base damage of his Q – Dancing Grenade since it was a bit too powerful. The overall attack damage went up as did his ultimate, R – Curtain Call, which means if you’re on the other side of it, run for your life.

"Q – Dancing GrenadeBASE DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 45/70/95/120/145RATIO 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 total attack damage ⇒ 0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6 total attack damage"
"R – Curtain CallBASE DAMAGE PER SHOT 40/100/160 ⇒ 50/115/180"


With the big changes that hit several support items, developers knew that combining that with Karma’s already strong kit would have made her overpowered. They nerfed her E – Inspire so her shield has less power on her allies.

"E – InspireSHIELD 70/100/130/160/190 ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170"
"Mantra’d E – DefianceSHIELD ON SECONDARY TARGETS 50% primary target’s shield ⇒ 30% primary target’s shield"


If you’re facing a Kindred, be very worried in your lane as she can come out of the jungle and wreak havoc after getting a buff to her base attack damage. She also got a buff to her dash speed and now her E – Mounting Dread, costs less mana. Again, you’ve been warned.

"Base statsBASE ATTACK DAMAGE 54 ⇒ 57"
"W – Wolf’s FrenzyWOLF DASH SPEED 1200 ⇒ 1400GRACE PERIOD Zone duration now waits to begin counting down until Wolf reaches the cast location. Casting Dance of Arrows during Wolf’s travel time will still grant the reduced cooldown."
"E – Mounting DreadCOST 70 mana ⇒ 50 mana"


Malzahar has seen a huge spike in popularity and well, a high win percentage in mid lane. Due to this, developers have nerfed his Q – Call of the Void’s damage to scale properly with everyone else as well as his R – Nether Grasp.

"Q – Call of the VoidDAMAGE 70/110/150/190/230 ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210"
"R – Nether GraspBEAM DAMAGE 125/250/375 ⇒ 125/225/325BEAM RATIO 1.15 ability power ⇒ 1.10 ability powerBUGFIX Quicksilver Sash and Mercurial Scimitar now properly purge only the suppression portion of Nether Grasp. Beam damage will continue to tick as long as Malzahar’s target stays in range (1250 distance)."
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  • Rakan

    It looks like for a while now, Rakan’s passive Fey Feathers wasn’t properly scaling as intended. Aside from that, this was the only change to him and a quick bugfix to how his ultimate, R – The Quickness, shows its cooldown on the champion it’s on.

    "Passive – Fey FeathersBUFF-FIX Now properly benefits from effects that modify heal and shield values (ex. Forbidden Idol line, Windspeaker’s Blessing)"
    "Minor bugfixesQUICK CLARITY R – The Quickness’s cooldown availability now displays accurately for allies in the HUD"


    Rek’Sai got some much-needed buffs to her kit as she now does more damage and has a higher amount of armor. If you’ve noticed her being more of a popular choice in the jungle, be careful as she now packs quite the punch.

    "Base statsBASE ATTACK DAMAGE 55.628 ⇒ 57.5ARMOR GROWTH STAT 3.4 ⇒ 3.75"
    "Burrowed W – Un-burrowRATIO 0.4 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.8 bonus attack damage"
    "R – Void RushTARGET ACQUISITION Void Rush is now much harder to dodge. Rek’Sai’s target should no longer be able to walk out of damage range without exceptional amounts of movement speed (or a dash/flash)."


    Rumble got some serious buffs to his overall damage and now his passive, Junkyard Titan, procs and lasts longer to empower his basic attacks. He won’t be able to quickly go through minions like before in the top lane since his damage to minions got nerfed when using his Q – Flamespitter.

    "Passive – Junkyard TitanHEAT DECAY START 3 seconds (4 if Flamespitter was used) ⇒ 4 secondsHEAT DECAY RATE 0.5 seconds ⇒ 1 secondHEAT DECAY AMOUNT 5 per tick for 5 ticks, then 10 per tick ⇒ 10 per tick"
    "Q – FlamespitterDAMAGE TO MINIONS 100% ⇒ 75%COOLDOWN 6 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 secondsBASE DAMAGE 75/135/195/255/315 ⇒ 135/180/225/270/315RATIO 1.0 ability power ⇒ 1.1 ability power"
    "W – Scrap ShieldDURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 secondsBASE SHIELD 50/80/110/140/170 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200"
    "E – Electro HarpoonBASE DAMAGE 45/70/95/120/145 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160SLOW 30/40/50/60/66% ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70%"


    Sorry to all those couples out there that enjoy going bottom lane with Rakan and Xayah as she got a major nerf to her damage when using her Q – Double Daggers. She’s been dishing out a plethora of damage before this latest patch update so this now scales her back a bit in the Summoner’s Rift.

    "Q – Double DaggersREMOVED “TRIPLE” DAGGERS? Xayah can no longer basic attack while Double Daggers is firing"
    "W – Deadly PlumageCOOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 20/19/18/17/16 seconds"

    Must Read: Minor updates planned for Yasuo in the future


    As mentioned earlier, Zac got some serious nerfs to scale back his damage. Once he’s high level and geared up, he can be unstoppable no matter how many enemy champions he’s facing. This nerf should make him more balanced to still make an impact but not dominate like he was before.

    "W – Unstable MatterDAMAGE 40/55/70/85/100 ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90"
    "E – Elastic SlingshotDAMAGE 80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 60/110/160/210/260"