Details on the upcoming Bramble Vest item

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The Bramble Vest is currently being tested out in the Public Beta Environment and if it stays true to form, will be quite the defensive item that hits back in League of Legends.

For all you Summoners out there that love unique defensive items that for a change will actually do damage back, Bramble Vest is for you. The new item is currently being tested out in the Public Beta Environment in League of Legends and by the looks of it, will be a difference maker for all tanking champions.

In an article written by Tanner Dedmon for, he confirmed the unique features Bramble Vest will have. For starters, it will give you +35 armor and its passive, Thorns, will proc once you’re hit with a basic attack. Right off the bat, 20 magic damage is reflected back to the attacker. They’ll also get hit with Grievous Wounds for one second which cuts any and all healing by 40 percent.

Summoners can craft this new item from two Cloth Armors for 900g. According to Dedmon, this will also build into the popular Thornmail defensive item but with a twist. It gives a Summoner +250 health, +75 armor, and the Cold Steel debuff that reduces attack speed by 15 percent for one second when hit. Altogether, for 2,900g, you can get Thornmail which would then evolve Bramble Vest’s passive to then reflect back magic damage equal to 10 percent of your bonus armor and an additional 25 damage.

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Needless to say, this is going to be one solid defensive item that for a change, does damage back to attackers. It’s a unique one that in mid and even late game, will allow those that wear it to feel more comfortable if they’re heading into a team fight or a 2v1 situation.

Keep in mind that at this point in time, it’s still being tested out and developed in the PBE so anything can change before it goes live in a future patch update. Either way, the new Bramble Vest item should make all those top lane mains out there excited for what could possibly be in store in the future.