Breaking down nerfs to Ardent Censer

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Summoners that main the support role in League of Legends will not like the nerfs that hit Ardent Censer in patch update 7.17.

Items are incredibly important when it comes to League of Legends. Besides using the right ones depending on the champion selected, it’s important to know what to start out building to then get ready for the more important items that directly affect the later part of a match.

Patch update 7.17 brought lots of changes to champions and a plethora of bugfixes as unfortunately for those that main the support role, some nerfs hit Ardent Censer. The attack speed and health drain buffs have been decreased.

In the grand scheme of things, developers realized that it would make popular support champions like Janna and Sona dish out more damage than intended. The whole purpose of the support role is to help your ADC kept upright and farming extensively to be at an advantage all match long.

With Ardent Censer, it gave many other support champions a strong and easy item to build quickly and exploit it’s overpowered-ness all throughout a match. With these nerfs, things should be balanced now as developers will closely monitor how it does in case it needs more tinkering.

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Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here’s the official changes to the item:

"Ardent CenserATTACK SPEED BUFF :: 20-35% >>> 25%HEALTH DRAIN BUFF :: 20-35 >>> 25"

Needless to say, the item will make sure those that use it won’t be so fast with their Attack Speed and the life steal they used to get from hitting enemies won’t be as beneficial. Before, champions that used it would enjoy dishing out damage quickly and getting a good amount of health back which simply doesn’t scale right to make things fair in the bottom lane.

Hopefully, these nerfs produce more competitive matchups and again, promote fair gameplay for all. That’s what the core of League of Legends is all about and as mentioned earlier, sometimes nerfs can be disheartening for many but it’s done for the greater good of the game.

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