Ornn is already an underwhelming champion

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Property of LeagueOfLegends.com/RiotGames.com

It hasn’t even been that long at all since his debut in League of Legends and already, Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain, is a bit underwhelming considering the hype.

The hype generated before the official release for Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain, was pretty high. Summoners were excited to get a champion that could use the Shop anywhere on the map without recalling and also provide certain upgrades for teammates in League of Legends.

Besides that, his ultimate R – Call of the Forge God, literally brought a Ram into a match and looked like it would unleash hell while dropping that Brittle debuff on enemy champions. Unfortunately, it’s been anything but that since right from the start, Ornn needed an immediate hotfix following his in-game debut.

In an article written by Aaron Mickunas for Dot Esports, he confirmed that over this past weekend, developers had to do an emergency hotfix which pretty much buffed his entire kit. Here are all the changes that were recently applied to Ornn:

"The buff that was dished out to Ornn doesn’t raise his damage by any crazy amount, but it does hit his base stats. His health, health regen, attack speed, and health regen growth were all buffed. The cooldown on his ultimate, Call of the Forge God, was also lowered."

In the grand scheme of things, these changes needed to happen as even from personally trying out Ornn before these buffs, he just was very underwhelming. One thing I even noticed from the start was how he was just being used by teammates to get immediate upgrades.

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It didn’t make sense to me since teammates were more concerned with using gold for Ornn’s upgrades but didn’t focus on the greater task at hand.

Don’t get me wrong, Ornn’s upgrades would definitely help during the latter part of matches but shouldn’t be the sole focus just because he’s on the team. It’s all about executing your role to the best of your ability, farming CS, and working together as a team to leave a match victorious.

Overall, these buffs should hopefully put Ornn in a better place when it comes to his popularity and of course, win rate. These buffs should undoubtedly give him a better opportunity to be much more than just a champion that gives out upgrades to a handful of items.

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