Breaking down patch 7.18 changes to Elise

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Patch update 7.18 brought some key changes to Elise, the Spider Queen. The League of Legends jungler will be more balanced now.

Ah yes, who hasn’t felt fear when they realized that the jungler on the opposing team is Elise, the Spider Queen? The popular League of Legends champion has had her fair share of nerfs and buffs but patch update 7.18 brings more of a balance to everything she brings to the table.

Developers have decided to decrease the damage of her W – Volatile Spiderling/Skittering Frenzy while also increasing the cooldown of her E – Rappel. The reasoning is that at this point in time, she’s one of the top junglers that excels in ganks and dishing out serious damage when team fights break out later on in matches.

To bring more of a balance to her, it made sense to make these changes so enemies actually having a fighting chance against her. Now, Summoners that main her have to excel when it comes to farming and ensuring she has the right items to be such a difference maker.

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Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are the official changes to Elise:

"W – Volatile SpiderlingBASE DAMAGE :: 60/110/160/210/260 >>> 55/95/135/175/215RATIO :: 0.8 ability power >>> 0.95 ability powerE – RappelCOOLDOWN :: 26/23/20/17/14 seconds >>> 26/24/22/20/18 seconds"

When it comes to Elise, make sure you still equip her with items that focus on Ability Power, Health, and Cooldown Reduction. Despite the changes that have hit Elise, they aren’t truly nerfs because she’ll still be able to do viable damage, just not as rapidly.

Overall, these are smart changes that continue to enhance the game to ensure fair and balanced competition. Summoners that main Elise should feel a difference but at the end of the day, know that she can still take care of business. Well, her spiders will, that is.