League of Legends: An Interview with KarasMai – Best Kayn in the World

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
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To bridge the top players of League of Legends with their community, KarasMai, the best Kayn in the world, has agreed to participate in an interview…

Wandering the endless abyss of League of Legends content on YouTube, I stumbled across a channel full of what I thought to be click baited titles. Nowadays, a channel full of titles like “HOW TO WIN A CHALLENGER GAME IN 17 MINUTES!” or “#1 KAYN WORLD FORCES CHALLENGER PLAYERS TO RAGE-QUIT! BLUE KAYN HIGH-ELO STOMP!” or “RANK 1 KAYN WORLD VS. TYLER1 AND TF BLADE” could be easily dismissed as clickbait, and I dismissed it as such.

How wrong I was.

After his videos constantly appeared in my feed, and I finally caved. Consistently, video after video, KarasMai was casually wrecking the top players of North America. Of course, with the power of video editing, I was still highly skeptical of this absurd ability to destroy such respected players with ease. Seeing he owned a Twitch channel, I visited it several times. He was still destroying challenger. Completely sold on his uncanny gameplay, I reached out to KarasMai for his story.

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His popular alias of KarasMai in the League of Legends community, Dylan Lansing was originally drawn into the game of League of Legends when his brother introduced him to the game. After initially mocking him for playing such a strange game, KarasMai began to take the game very seriously.

His high-level jungling skills pushed him to the top 200 players in the North American region in Season 7. Since then, he’s made several accounts with Challenger level Matching Maker Rating (MMR) and League Points (LP). He is widely regarded as one of the best junglers in North America with a speciality with Kayn.