League of Legends: Mordekaiser skins tier list

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

The new League of Legends patch is bringing the Mordekaiser rework with it, so now’s the best time to run down his skins and find out which is the best!

Mordekaiser’s new appearance will be hitting League of Legends with patch 9.12 tomorrow, alongside upgrades to all of his existing skins. Although he’s only had five skins released since the champion was introduced way back in 2010, the Iron Revenant definitely has a lot of unique skins to buy.

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Riot has really gone to town with making Morde’s skins look better to go along with his shiny, new, reworked kit, but which are still worth your RP following the changes? Lucky for you folks, we’re here to set you straight and let you know which Morde skins are best!

5. King of Clubs Mordekaiser

High Stakes skins. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

King of Clubs used to be a pretty decent bargain skin for Morde, but the rework has sadly neutered its quality. The green, deathly particle effects clash pretty horrendously with his golden armor in this skin, and the armor itself makes him look fat. It still has a quality splash art, but it’s certainly his worst skin now.

4. Lord Mordekaiser

Lord Mordekaiser. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Lordekaiser has certainly slid from its perch as Morde’s best skin, down to being pretty awful. Random water-dripping particles, in addition to the spell effects being mostly the same as his base, means that Lord Mordekaiser is mostly a letdown. Fortunately, Riot has buffed up some of Morde’s other skins to fill the void, but that’s no comfort to the owners of this skin.

3. Dragon Knight Mordekaiser

Dragon Knight Mordekaiser. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

Dragon Knight makes it this high on the list due to the excellent quality of its model. Unlike most of the other Morde skins, which feature him adorned in heavy armor, Dragon Knight opts for a slightly lighter appearance that helps it stand out amongst the crowd. Add to that a pair of cool dragon horns and a warhammer instead of his usual mace, and Dragon Knight is certainly pulling far more weight than it used to.

2. Infernal Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser. League of Legends
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

I absolutely love it when Riot reworks champions with pallet-swap skins since they usually go from disappointing to amazing. Infernal Mordekaiser is no exception – what was once a red-colored Morde skin is now one of his best offerings. Not only does the skin look amazing in-game, but it also comes with unique particles for every ability and an absolutely killer splash art. If you bought this back in the day, you made a very wise investment.

1. Pentakill Mordekaiser

Pentakill. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

With Lord Mordekaiser taking the fall down to fourth place, Pentakill has climbed up to first. The skin perfectly encapsulates Morde’s appearance in the “Mortal Reminder” music video and comes with a slew of metal-based particle effects as well. What really puts this skin at the top is the dance animation – Mordekaiser shredding on his ax is exactly what we all wanted out of the Pentakill skin, and Riot brought it life in stunning fashion.

Which Mordekaiser skin is your favorite? Let us know down in the comments!