League of Legends: updated death recap hits PBE

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

A new death recap is (finally) coming to League of Legends, so what do we like from the version that hit the PBE?

League of Legends has had several memes that were killed in cold blood by Riot recently. Now, the latest has officially been put into its casket, ironically giving us the death recap of the old death recap’s death we so desperately needed.

Today, the new version of the updated death recap hit the PBE to the excitement of many who wanted an updated version of the tool that would tell them exactly how much damage that 0/5/2 Yasuo did with just two items. Riot also posted a link to the recap on the boards, along with the core goals of the update.

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Chief among those goals, according to Riot Scruffy, is to help players understand – in a quick and easy way – what type of damage killed them, which champions are most threatening, which spells provided the most damage and make sure this information is reliable and understandable. From the screenshot that’s been made available, it certainly seems Riot knocked it out of the park.

The damage is color-coded in a wheel, showing you roughly the percent of damage dealt to you (physical, magic, or true) along with the precise percentages next to it. Below that, each champion that did damage to you has their own bar graph showing that same breakdown. But after that, the information starts to get



Each champion also has a breakdown of the amount of damage done to you by spell cast along with by auto-attack (the red sword indicator). There are also a couple of greyed out icons available in the share, which I’d guess would mean perhaps damage from runes or maybe indicating damage mitigated.

The other cool feature is that, on the top bar, the recap shows the length of the fight you were in and the amount of time you were CC’ed. These are critical pieces of information for you to know in a death recap because they can reveal whether you should be looking to take or avoid short trades in the future, as well as whether you were heavily CC’ed during the fight. However, these numbers also elicit a couple of changes or upgrades that could make this recap even better.

First, the time CC’ed would be very helpful to have on each champion (or better yet, each spell), so we know which champion was responsible for that heavy lockdown. It would also be good to know which spells were problematic for us during the chaos of a team fight, so we can adjust to avoid them going forward.

Second, I think seeing damage mitigated (shielded or healed) would be fantastic to see. If you’re dueling a Nautilus, it would be quite beneficial to know that half of your damage got eaten by his shield, so you should play around it before trading.

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What other improvements do you think the new death recap needs? Are you excited to try it out on PBE?