League of Legends: Riot teases new PROJECT skins

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /
Project Master Yi. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

A new trailer from Riot games reveals that five League of Legends champions will be getting PROJECT skins in the coming weeks.

The PROJECT skins have long been one of, if not the, best skin lines in League of Legends, so the reveal of some new options joining their line is always met with heavy anticipation. Based on the trailer released today, the hype might well be warranted.

The trailer, which gives us even more insight into the alternate universe of the world of PROJECT shows the chosen champions destroying some sentinel creatures and staring menacingly at a huge, cyberpunk city before them. Titled “Outsiders” this trailer clearly indicates that these champions are not among the elite members of the PROJECT world we’ve already met so far. The tweet accompanying the trailer from Riot further expands on this idea.

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"A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created and then abandoned them…the PROJECT Corporation."

An intriguing angle to take on a universe we’ve already gotten a small glimpse into. We’ve already seen the Vigilantes (Jhin and Vayne) seeking revenge against PROJECT after they were left worse than they were before after their augmentations, the Commands (Zed and Katarina) battling the G/NETICS on behalf of PROJECT, the Central (Vi) who seeks to keep law and order in this universe, and the aforementioned G/NETICS (Master Yi, Leona, Lucian, Yasuo, Fiora, Ashe, and Ekko).

Now, we have these five skins making up the Outsiders, who appear to be leaning more to the side of the G/NETICS side of the battle. However, they could be attacking The City as a whole, looking to upset the order and balance of “peace” that exists there. The latter is the angle I’m more expecting given the inclusion of a certain someone that will cause Vi a lot of headaches.

The five upcoming PROJECT skins are:

  • PROJECT Akali
  • PROJECT Irelia
  • PROJECT Pyke
  • PROJECT Jinx
  • PROJECT Warwick

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Which of these skins are you going to be buying? Let us know which champions you’d like to see getting PROJECT skins in the future!