League of Legends champion profile: Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Mecha Kha'Zix. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

Strength at each game stage

Strength in early game/laning – low/medium

Kha’Zix is a fantastic early game skirmisher thanks to his Isolation bonuses and his ability to use the limited vision that is available, but he struggles with two huge aspects of early game League of Legends jungling: clear speed and ganking. For one, he only really has two abilities to clear – Q and W – which are single target (his W does have splash damage but it is fairly weak early) and for another most of his damage comes off his Q which will do that ridiculous bonus damage against single targets.

On the other hand, although he has that great damage impact early, Kha’Zix lacks any meaningful CC to secure kills without some help from his laners. With only the Passive and Void Spikes offering him a slow, Kha’Zix’s prey can usually walk out ganks if they’re not too overextended. Plus, in the early game enemies can play around their minion waves to deny Kha that bonus Isolated damage with his Q.

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Strength in mid game/skirmishes – medium/high

Kha’Zix spikes super hard off his first two items (normally Warrior > Black Cleaver against tanky teams or Warrior > Ghostblade against squishy teams). Plus, once he’s gotten his first evolved ability (which is almost always his Q) he’ll do ridiculous damage in disorganized skirmishes.

Those quick battles in closed corners are where Kha’Zix thrives since he can duck into and out of brush to reset his passive repeatedly. Plus, he’s usually able to find one or two Isolated stragglers during these engagements.

Strength in late game/team fights – medium

Kha’Zix doesn’t exactly fall off a cliff late game like a Lee Sin or Pantheon, since he can still output a bunch of damage via his Q – Taste their Fear and Unseen Threat. In those Isolated fights, Kha’Zix will continue to be a problem.

However, Kha’Zix can be very hit or miss in team fights. He’ll be looking to find some squishy carry on the fringes of fights to instantly delete them. He has the tools to do this, between his E – Leap and R – Void Assault, but he absolutely needs to be able to take someone from 100 to 0. If he can’t do that and pop an important target immediately, he’ll get CC’ed and killed before he’s able to get out to safety.