League of Legends: Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.14(b) breakdown

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Teamfight Tactics continues to see small balance changes just a week after ranked began. What changes are coming to this new League of Legends game mode?

As promised by Riot in Patch 9.14, Teamfight Tactics will receive the first of its bi-weekly small balance changes today. With the release of Patch 9.14(b) – specific just to Teamfight Tactics – we are seeing some of the classic League of Legends balance pattern to strike down what has been powerful (Ninjas and Assassins) as well as buffing the weaker classes. What should be strong after this patch goes live?

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Systems changes

"Critical strike damage now stacks additively rather than multiplicatively. Paired with changes to Assassins and Infinity Edge, also in this patch, Assassins will deal around 25% less damage and IE will come out net neutral."

It seems like only part of the puzzle with regards to changes to Assassins, but it’s important to note that crit stacking additive rather than multiplicative means that stacking Infinity Edge with other items or synergies that give crit damage good, but not as good as before by a large factor.



"Critical Strike Damage: 150%/350% ⇒ 125%/350%"

Here’s the other half of that crit change equation. Assassins will now get less crit early and less from combining them with an Infinity Edge. But the changes to the item itself will inform exactly how much Assassins are hurt.


"Bonus Ability Power: 35/100 ⇒ 45/100"

A straight buff to one of the weakest classes in Teamfight Tactics, I think this spell damage buff will help but Sorcerers still have the issue of having two very straight and easy to build counters: Dragons and the item Dragon’s Tooth.


"Golem HP: 2500 ⇒ 2200"

Elementalists aren’t that great as a class in Teamfight Tactics, but most of the champions in the Elementalist class (mainly Kennen and Brand) are very good. It’s interesting that Riot is nerfing the entire class, but I think Elementalists are still worth building for those strong champions.



"Attack Speed per Stack: 8% ⇒ 10%"

Wild isn’t exactly a terrible Origin, and it’s especially strong early in the game (with low-cost units like Nidalee, Warwick, and Ahri all being available in the minion rounds). I’m guessing this will become an even better early-game synergy to transition to better mid/late game comps.