League of Legends Patch 9.15 breakdown – Summoner’s Rift edition

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Evelynn, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

Another fortnight brings another batch of patch notes for League of Legends. This time around it’s Patch 9.15, a much smaller update than 9.14, but still filled with a bunch of champion changes to break down.

Two weeks ago we were gifted with a huge patch with over 30 individual champion buffs and nerfs to digest. Now we’ve only got half as many to read through and become acclimatised with in solo queue over the next fourteen days. Zero item, rune, or map changes makes this a much simpler patch to evaluate and analyse, focusing solely on changes to champions.

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Galio, Kha’Zix, and Lee Sin have buffs coming their way, while Evelynn, Karma, and Qiyana see small nerfs heading in their direction. How will these changes impact solo queue and competitive play on Patch 9.15? Find out in our patch notes breakdown and analysis:


"Q – Hate Spike Cooldown Refund: 60% when hitting monsters -> 50% when hitting monsters."

Evelynn currently sits at a 51.64% win rate across all regions, which doesn’t mean she’s overpowered, but she could do with a slight touch back towards 50%. This nerf perfectly hits the mark, not too overbearing, but not too little that she won’t feel it. Her early clear will be slightly slower on Patch 9.15 due to these changes and we should see her win rate fall by about 1% as a result.


"Passive – Colossal Smash Cooldown: 5 seconds -> 5 seconds, affected by CDR. Damage: 15-180 (levels 1-18) -> 15-200 (levels 1-18). E – Justice Punch Base Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 -> 90/130/170/210/250."

Galio was absolutely destroyed in Patch 9.14 with every ability seeing some form of nerf, most notable the removal of his ability to Flash + W – Shield of Durand. The Colossus now sits at a laughable 0.4% pick rate and a pathetic 42.86% win rate, neither of which will be improved by this set of buffs.

After his rework, Galio was a middle lane mage/tank, built to withstand spells from opposing laners and output a decent amount of damage. Then, after his damage was gutted, he was shifted down to support due to his excellent crowd control abilities and game-changing ultimate. So then they removed his main source of crowd control, Shield of Durand, making him useless in all roles.

Adding base damage to his passive and his E will not change this whatsoever as it doesn’t bring damage for a mid laner or CC for a support. Expect to see Galio remaining at the bottom of every tier list on Patch 9.15 and beyond until his ability to Flash-W is returned, or his AP ratios are brought back.


"E – Quickdraw Armor per Stack: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 -> 8/11/14/17/20."

On Patch 9.14 Graves sits at a 48.93% win rate and is barely seen in pro play, but these changes have the potential to bring him back into the mix on Patch 9.15. Whenever Graves is in a fight with an enemy champion, he gains armor for every E – Quickdraw casted, maxing out at 120 armor currently. This buff will see that maximum increased to 160, meaning trading against Graves will become a lot tougher, particularly in the mid game when the cooldown is reduced. Not a massive buff, but definitely something that should have junglers reconsidering the Outlaw for their champion pools throughout the next few weeks.