League of Legends: Patch 9.15B breakdown – Teamfight Tactics

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Teamfight Tactics. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

Just one week after Patch 9.15 added some spice to Teamfight Tactics, there’s a little more with Patch 9.15B. Here’s all the information you need for the latest patch.

Teamfight Tactics just continues to gain popularity as players jump on board with League of Legends’ answer to Auto Chess. We’ve seen a number of small tournaments, a tonne of memes, and a permanent spot amongst the Top 5 most viewed on Twitch.

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As with any game, regular patch updates keep the playerbase interested and engaged, freshening up the meta week on week. In order to keep up with every patch update, we’ll be breaking down all the key champion and item changes. Unfortunately, the 10 Garen composition isn’t meta just yet, but there are a number of other important changes to take note of from Patch 9.15B:


"Blitzcrank Fixed a bug so that other allies properly prioritize the target of Blitzcrank’s ability…again."

A lovely bugfix for Blitzcrank, making the champion excellent at picking off enemy squishies (hopefully) and ensuring they’re burst down as fast as possible.

"Elise Attack Damage: 40 –> 45 Spiderling Attack Damage: 40 –> 50"

In her current state, Elise is quite a weak option. Not only does she lack damage, but so do her Spiderlings, making her an all-round underutilised option and damaging the power of the Demon origin. These changes are heading in the right direction, but it’s probably not enough to make Elise a contested pick.

"Karthus Ability Damage: 400/700/1000 –> 350/600/850 Ability Targets: 5/9/13 –> 5/7/9"

Karthus has become a bit of a TFT monster in recent weeks, dealing out huge damage once or twice in a round with his game-changing ultimate. Being in such a versatile role, Karthus finds his way into plenty of winning compositions due to the effectiveness of Requiem in a teamfight.

Reducing its damage by 50/100/150 is great, but reducing the number of targets hit is even better. As a result, expect to see less Karthus 1v9s in TFT from now on.

"Kayle Mana required to activate ability: 100 –> 125"

There’s nothing more annoying than Kayle ulting an important teammate and solo winning a round, especially when it happens multiple times. Increasing the mana required for an ult cast will reduce the frustration and potentially mean you can burst her down before a single ult comes out.

"Pyke Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 –> 1.5/2/2.5"

Pyke flying across the screen, stunning 4 members for 2 seconds, and ensuring your damage output is reduced to a minimum is now a thing of the past. Instead it’s just 1.5 seconds, which may seem like a small nerf, but it’ll definitely provide a significant hit to Pyke’s mid game power.

"Rengar Ability Attack Speed Bonus: 0.4/0.7/1.0 –> 0.3/0.5/0.7"

After coming out of nowhere and topping the charts in terms of champion strength, its about time Rengar saw some healthy nerfs. At level 3 he loses 0.3 bonus attack speed, which is a huge change and makes Rengar’s late game so much less oppressive.

"Twisted Fate Health: 450 –> 500 Attack Damage: 40 –> 50"

You can’t spell TFT without TF… Well actually you can, as he’s been almost absent since he was added to the game. Having a powerful ability is all well and good, but when you’re super squishy with no regular damage, you’re virtually useless. These changes should remedy that.

"Veigar Ability Damage: 300/500/700 –> 300/550/800"

Early game Veigar is cool, late game Veigar is underwhelming. Add a small amount of damage to level 2/3 Veigar and voila, big difference! Hang on, is that a short joke?