League of Legends Champion Profile: Sejuani, Fury of the North

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Traditional Sejuani, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

Game Stage Power

Strength in Early Game/Laning – Medium

The main factor in Sejuani’s rising popularity over the last three or four seasons is her consistency throughout all stages of the game and lack of weakness. Yes, in the early game she is susceptible to invades and can fall behind in farm to the likes of a Graves, Olaf, or Xin Zhao, but that doesn’t matter, she’s a tank.

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If you’re heading into solo queue, plan out 3-4 major ganks in the early game and play around, rather than focusing on perma-ganking. Play safely in the jungle, farming uncontestable camps while tracking the enemy jungler. If the opportunity to safely counter-gank or invade presents itself, take it, otherwise focus on getting strong lanes ahead through a few ganks/roams.

Ultimately the early game revolves around farming AoE camps, reaching level 6 as soon as possible, tracking the enemy jungler, and preventing invades. If faced against an early-focused jungle champion, coming out even or slightly behind is fine as it’s impossible for Sejuani to match a gank-heavy jungler.

Strength in Mid Game/Skirmishes – Medium

With a jungle item, some boots, and an ultimate ability, Sejuani is ready to fight and snowball any early lead she was able to build through ganks. Focus on completing a Stalker’s Blade – Cinderhulk and some Ninja Tabi/Mercury Treads, as well as an armor/MR item to reach a point when Sejuani can be considered tanky. Then, group up as five, and look for key objectives like outer towers, dragons, or Rift Herald to kick off a fight and come out on top.

In the majority of cases, it will be up to Sej to kick off team fights with a well-timed Arctic Assault and Glacial Prison onto an enemy carry, at which point she relies on her team to follow up. The incredible amount of CC offered in tight spaces makes Sej a team fight menace, and post-level 6 she’s one of the best champions for skirmishes.

Strength in Late Game/Team Fights – Medium

As stated earlier, Sejuani is a monster with a few items under her belt and a bunch of tanky stats, and the more stats the better. With a Warmog’s Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Adaptive Helm, Randuin’s Omen, etc, Sejuani is unkillable and offers incredible team fight utility. Her only deterrents are a Last Whisper, Void Staff and Quicksilver Sash on an enemy carry to ruin any attempts at an engage and cut her down quickly, despite the resistance stacking.

Once again it’s a case of gathering around Baron Nashor, finding pockets of vision, and forcing a fight whenever the opportunity presents itself. Taking down an enemy squishy with Glacial Prison and follow-up is the perfect way to start a team fight and take key objectives before closing the game.