League of Legends: How to unlock Victorious Aatrox at the end of Season 9

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Season 9 will come to an end on November 19th and today we got a glimpse of our end of season ranked rewards for the first time – most notably Victorious Aatrox.

The Victorious skin line began in 2011 to celebrate the end of the League of Legends ranked season and has since become by far the most exciting part of receiving end of season rewards. This year it’s Victorious Aatrox who takes the spotlight for his popularity throughout Season 9 following his rework towards the end of 2018.

Players have until November 19th to climb the ranked ladder and reach Gold in order to receive Victorious Aatrox after the season closes. Whether it’s Summoner’s Rift (solo queue or flex queue) or Twisted Treeline, all you have to do is end the season in Gold 4 or above in a queue to receive the celebratory skin.

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Plus, if you reach Gold in two or more of these queues, you’ll receive a bonus chroma to go with your shiny, new Aatrox skin! But take note, any player without Honor level 2 or above will be ineligible for end of season rewards and cannot claim Victorious Aatrox on November 19th.

Other end of season rewards include new Honor emotes depending on your final Honor level at the end of the season, and Teamfight Tactics rewards based on your final rank from the past season. These gifts have yet to be finalized, so keep an eye out for announcements/changes in the run-up to the final week of Season 9!

Do you like the Victorious Aatrox skin? Have you reached a high enough rank to unlock it yet? Let us know your thoughts on the end of season rewards in the comments!