League of Legends: 25 champions to dominate URF

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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League of Legends. Volcanic Wukong.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games /

With URF making its triumphant return to League of Legends, here are 25 champions you should abuse to dominate your enemies!

URF, short for “Ultra Rapid Fire”, is perhaps the most beloved League of Legends featured game mode ever. Although the ARAM variant of URF – where each player gets a random champion assigned, has cropped up over the past few seasons, this marks the first time that proper URF is returning since 2017.

In the time since URF as we all know and love went away, seven new champions (Zoe, Kai’Sa, Pyke, Neeko, Salas, Yuumi, and Qiyana) have been released along with (Evelynn, Swain, Irelia, Astro’s, Akali, Nunu & Willump, Kayle, Mordekaiser, and Pantheon). With all these new champions in the game, it’s a good time to update our list of the best champions to play in URF. Here are 25 champions to pick if you want to dominate your opponent!

25. Gragas

Don’t let the gut fool you, with URF’s reduced cooldowns Gragas can basically dash all over the Rift, getting him in and out of fights with ease. Make sure to build him full AP for the monster body slam + flash + ult combos!

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24. Ashe
Most marksmen aren’t really viable to play in URF because they don’t benefit a lot from the the reduced cooldowns or mana costs that URF offers. But for an ADC with such a high-impact ult, Ashe is definitely one of the few that makes the grade.

23. Lee Sin
You’ll get so many kicks off in URF you’ll start to feel like Messi! The low cooldowns give Lee about a dash per second, enabling him to traverse the map and fights with ease.

22. Zilean
For a guy who already has an ability built into his kit that reduces his cooldowns, Zilean really doesn’t benefit massively from URF. However, he will be able to spam bombs again and again for easy stuns and waveclear. Plus having a revive up every 20 seconds or so can’t hurt.

21. Nasus
Every Nasus player in the world envisions a world where they can just spam their Q on every single minion and hit 600 stacks at 20 minutes, so here’s your chance. You can also build him full AP to just eviscerate enemies with your W.

20. Kai’Sa
She’s so flexible with her builds and so reliant on her abilities that she’s one of the few AD Carries who will thrive in URF.