League of Legends Guide: Top 5 tips to win any team fight before it starts

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As the end of the League of Legends ranked season approaches, here are some key tips to help you win every single team fight in your next solo queue.

With very little time remaining in League of Legends Season 9, players are making the final push to hit their next ranked tier and get those sweet rewards. One key issue that plagues a lot of lower elo players is fighting, namely when and how to do it.

A lot of times when watching low elo games, experienced players will see players fighting enemy champions for no reason, taking a fight that’s bad right off the bat, and not knowing how to play the fight once it starts. These problems can almost always be solved with preparation before the fight even happens. Here are five things to think about before a team fight starts so that you can navigate them more successfully and climb the ranked ladder!

1. Know when not to fight

A lot of fights are lost before they even start because one team just opted into a fight when they didn’t have the tools. Recognizing when your team is weaker than the enemy team and just spam pinging the “danger” ping will net you more wins than you think.

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For instance, say your team is behind in gold to the enemy and they start to set up for the Ocean Drake that will spawn in 20 seconds. Why contest it?

In all likelihood, you won’t win the fight, so the enemy will likely still get the dragon plus all the kill gold on top of it. Instead of just falling behind a little, by taking a disadvantageous fight you’ll fall back by a lot. Instead, the better option is almost always to try and push for an objective on the other side of the map, get vision down, or push out waves so the enemy team can’t extend their lead further.

You can get a rough gauge for how close your team is to the enemy in power by looking at things like the kill score, how many dragons and towers you each have taken, the enemy team’s levels compared to your teammates’, and how many completed items the players have. If you’re behind in most of these categories, the better decision is to probably not fight the enemy team until that deficit has been equalized.

Now, in some cases, the enemy will be pushing for an objective that you can’t afford to just let them take, like Baron or Elder Dragon. In those cases, you might be forced to fight even while behind. But these remaining tips can help you at least navigate that fight from a deficit.

2. The “Plus One” rule

Any time you or your team are poised to take a fight with the enemy team, your first instinct should always be to check the minimap and count how many enemies you can see. Count every enemy that is near the fight you are about to take and count every enemy that you don’t see on the minimap (because they could theoretically be close by in the fog of war). Since you know where your allies are, you should know how many people you will be fighting with, as well as the maximum number of enemies you’ll have to deal with.

Whenever you are even or behind (and even when you’re ahead) you should always be looking to take fights when you have one more teammate on your side than the enemy does. This is called the “Plus One” rule and it’s a great way to evaluate whether a fight is favorable.

So, for instance, if you are grouped as four at the dragon and see the enemy bot lane is pushing out their mid lane wave, you should feel comfortable taking any fight until a few seconds after those two ducks out of vision. This is because you know that you have at least one person more than they could possibly have to contest you (4v3) and thus have a great chance to win any fight. This rule can also offset any instance where you’re behind, as you should generally take a numbers-advantaged fight to try and make up for the gold disparity.