With the end of the League of Legends ranked season, we’re here to give our final tier list for Patch 9.22 for all you low elo players playing your last ranked games of the year.
It’s been a while since our last League of Legends low elo tier list and a lot has changed – including the release of reworked Pantheon, Qiyana, and Senna. But now the end of the ranked season is here in Patch 9.22, with only a few days left to grind and hit that next tier. Needing every advantage you can get in these last games, we’re here to give you the best picks to spam in those final games of the season.
As always, these rankings are taken by aggregating data from six different sites around the Internet, normalizing these ratings so the A+ tier rating of one site can be compared to a Diamond rating from another. We then average those six normalized rankings to provide a rating for each champion in each role. Only champions that were rated by at least four of the six sites that we audited will be included on this Patch 9.22 tier list for low elo.
These sites were graded based on data for players in the Silver division or their low-elo tier list whenever applicable. You can find the full, raw data featuring the grades from the six sites here. The six sites that were used to develop this data were:
We will also be providing an asterisk next to the League of Legends champions that are significantly stronger (at least two tiers higher) in low elo than in our regular Patch 9.22 tier lists. In addition, the newest champion released, Senna, will not be featured on this tier list as we do not advise playing a new champion in ranked without having a sufficient amount of practice.
As a final note of disclaimer, we would not advise you to completely change from champions you are comfortable with to simply pick the best champions at the top of this list. Instead, we would advise you play the best-rated champion you have success in ranked with or play those S tier champions if you have sufficient practice and knowledge with the champion for the best results.
Top Lane
S tier: Garen, Kayle, Teemo (*), Yasuo (*)
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A+ tier: Mordekaiser, Kled, Fiora, Illaoi (*)
A tier: Jax, Urgot (*), Nasus (*), Malphite (*)
B+ tier: Darius, Tryndamere (*), Yorick (*), Ornn, Dr. Mundo (*)
B tier: Renekton, Shen, Kennen, Singed (*)
C tier: Quinn, Volibear, Sion, Heimerdinger, Camille, Riven, Rengar, Rumble, Vladimir, Cassiopeia, Swain, Cho’Gath, Akali
D tier: Vayne, Gangplank, Pantheon, Aatrox, Poppy, Maokai, Irelia, Gnar, Jayce
F tier: Olaf
S tier: Master Yi (*), Ekko, Jax (*), Shaco
A+ tier: Dr. Mundo, Zac, Vi (*)
A tier: Jarvan IV, Warwick (*), Kayn, Volibear (*), Nunu & Willump, Nocturne (*)
B+ tier: Amumu (*), Lee Sin, Olaf, Kha’Zix
B tier: Udyr, Hecarim, Karthus, Elise
C tier: Xin Zhao, Graves, Nidalee, Evelynn, Shyvana, Kindred, Rek’Sai, Malphite (*), Rengar
D tier: Trundle, Gragas, Tryndamere, Taliyah, Twitch, Ivern
F tier: Pantheon, Wukong, Sejuani, Qiyana
Mid lane
S tier: Yasuo (*), Kayle (*), Fizz, Malzahar
A+ tier: Ekko, Heimerdinger (*), Ahri, Diana (*)
A tier: Lux (*)
B+ tier: Veigar, Zed, Katarina, Galio, Xerath
B tier: Swain (*), Vel’Koz, Orianna, Morgana (*), Syndra, Mordekaiser (*)
C tier: Vladimir, Qiyana, Kassadin, Annie, Neeko, Twisted Fate, Talon, Cassiopeia, Anivia, Zoe, Aurelion Sol, Viktor, Zilean, Rumble
D tier: Lissandra, Ryze, Malphite, Leblanc, Akali, Ziggs, Irelia, Pantheon, Taliyah
F tier: Jayce, Brand, Ezreal, Tristana, Sylas, Azir
AD Carry
S tier: Miss Fortune, Jinx, Yasuo (*), Ashe
A+ tier: Jhin, Caitlyn
A tier:
B+ tier: Vayne
B tier: Twitch, Kai’Sa
C tier: Xayah, Lucian, Tristana, Draven, Heimerdinger (*), Ezreal, Kog’Maw
D tier: Sivir, Varus
F tier: Kalista
S tier: Nautilus, Blitzcrank, Leona
A+ tier: Morgana, Swain (*), Janna, Nami
A tier: Soraka, Brand (*), Zyra
B+ tier: Vel’Koz, Thresh, Xerath (*), Rakan
B tier: Pyke, Sona, Shaco
C tier: Zilean, Taric, Bard, Lulu, Alistar, Fiddlesticks
D tier: Veigar, Karma, Galio
F tier: Malphite, Braum, Neeko, Yuumi