TFT: Patch 10.2 Aggregated Tier List for the Best Units and Comps

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
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Teamfight Tactics. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

We give our TFT unit tier list for Patch 10.2.

After Patch 10.2 introduced some pretty big system and item changes to TFT, many players are wondering if those same OP comps remain the way to go. Well, unfortunately, the meta has shifted somewhat this patch. Luckily, we have an updated tier list to let you know which comps are the best in the game!

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Unit Tier list

S tier: Lux, Singed, Amumu, Nami, Taric (⇑), Annie, Kha’Zix
A+ tier: Malphite, Janna, Zed (⇓), Brand (⇓), Yorick, Master Yi, Azir (⇑)
A tier: Kindred, Qiyana (⇓), Karma (⇑), Twitch (⇑), Lucian (⇑)
B tier: Ashe, Sion (⇑), Nautilus, Leona (⇑), Soraka, Sivir, Olaf, Thresh, Yasuo, Aatrox (⇑)
C tier: Skarner, Renekton, Malzahar, Kog’Maw, Syndra, Nocturne (⇓), Jax, Dr. Mundo (⇑), Zyra, Vladimir, Senna
D tier: Veigar, Rek’Sai (⇓), Leblanc, Volibear (⇑), Varus, Vayne, Diana, Ezreal (⇑)
F tier: Taliyah, Nasus, Ivern, Maokai, Neeko (⇓), Braum, Ornn, Warwick

Tier 1 champions (change from last patch)

    1. Leona (+1)
    2. Renekton (+3)
    3. Kog’Maw (-)
    4. Zyra (-)
    5. Vladimir (-4)
    6. Vayne (+1)
    7. Diana (-1)
    8. Taliyah (-)
    9. Nasus (+3)
    10. Ivern (-1)
    11. Maokai (-1)
    12. Ornn (-1)
    13. Warwick (-)

    Tier 2 champions

      1. Thresh (-)
      2. Yasuo (-)
      3. Skarner (+1)
      4. Malzahar (+1)
      5. Syndra (+2)
      6. Jax (+2)
      7. Senna (-4)
      8. Rek’Sai (-2)
      9. LeBlanc (-)
      10. Volibear (+2)
      11. Varus (-)
      12. Neeko (-2)
      13. Braum (-)

      Tier 3 champions

        1. Azir (+5)
        2. Kindred (-)
        3. Qiyana (-2)
        4. Karma (+1)
        5. Sion (+4)
        6. Nautilus (-2)
        7. Soraka (+1)
        8. Sivir (-1)
        9. Aatrox (+2)
        10. Nocturne (-7)
        11. Dr. Mundo (-1)
        12. Veigar (-)
        13. Ezreal (-)

        Tier 4 champions

          1. Annie (+1)
          2. Kha’Zix (+1)
          3. Malphite (+1)
          4. Janna (+2)
          5. Brand (-4)
          6. Yorick (-1)
          7. Twitch (+3)
          8. Lucian (-1)
          9. Ashe (-)
          10. Olaf (-2)

          Tier 5 champions

            1. Singed (-)
            2. Amumu (+3)
            3. Nami (-1)
            4. Taric (-1)
            5. Zed (-1)
            6. Master Yi (-)