TFT Patch 10.3: Aggregated Unit and Comp Tier List
By Josh Tyler
We give our TFT unit tier list for Patch 10.3.
The TFT meta seemed safe from a lot of the usual shakeups caused by patches. Patch 10.3 did bring some significant system changes, such as removing Spatula items from the Carousel rounds, but overall it seemed to be some fine-tuning to the established comps. As a result, the tier list for the best units and comps hasn’t changed too much in Patch 10.3.
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Unit Tier list
S tier: Taric, Singed, Amumu, Nami, Malphite (⇑), Lux, Twitch, Yorick (⇑), Ashe
A+ tier: Kindred (⇑), Annie (⇓), Brand
A tier: Karma, Master Yi (⇓), Kha’Zix (⇓), Zed (⇓), Janna (⇓) Twitch (⇑),
B tier: Qiyana (⇓), Nautilus, Sion, Lucian (⇓), Dr. Mundo (⇑), Azir (⇓), Soraka, Thresh, Leona
C tier: Aatrox (⇓), Varus (⇑), Syndra, Kog’Maw, Malzahar, Taliyah (⇑), Olaf (⇓), Skarner, Vayne (⇑), Ezreal (⇑), Vladimir, Nasus, Veigar (⇑)
D tier: Zyra (⇓), Volibear, Renekton (⇓), Rek’Sai, Jax (⇓), Nocturne (⇓), Sivir (⇓), Senna (⇓), Leblanc, Diana, Yasuo
F tier: Braum, Ivern, Maokai, Neeko, Ornn, Warwick
Tier 1 champions (change from last patch)
- Leona (-)
- Kog’Maw (+1)
- Taliyah (+5)
- Vayne (+2)
- Vladimir (-)
- Nasus (+3)
- Zyra (-3)
- Renekton (-6)
- Diana (-2)
- Ivern (-)
- Maokai (-)
- Ornn (-)
- Warwick (-)
Tier 2 champions
- Thresh (-)
- Varus (+9)
- Syndra (+2)
- Malzahar (-)
- Skarner (-2)
- Volibear (+4)
- Rek’Sai (+1)
- Jax (-2)
- Senna (-2)
- LeBlanc (-1)
- Yasuo (-9)
- Neeko (-)
- Braum (-)
Tier 3 champions
- Kindred (+1)
- Karma (+2)
- Qiyana (-)
- Nautilus (+2)
- Sion (-)
- Dr. Mundo (+5)
- Azir (-6)
- Soraka (-1)
- Aatrox (-)
- Ezreal (+3)
- Veigar (+1)
- Nocturne (-2)
- Sivir (-5)
Tier 4 champions
- Malphite (+2)
- Twitch (+5)
- Yorick (+3)
- Ashe (+5)
- Annie (-4)
- Brand (-1)
- Kha’Zix (-5)
- Janna (-4)
- Lucian (-1)
- Olaf (-)
Tier 5 champions
- Taric (+1)
- Singed (-1)
- Amumu (-1)
- Nami (-1)
- Master Yi (+1)
- Zed (-1)