League of Legends Patch 10.4 Breakdown

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
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Sejuani, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

Summoner Spells


"DURATION: 2.5 seconds >>> 3 seconds [NEW] VISIBILITY: Now shows how much damage is being reduced"

Long gone are the days when Exhaust was the go-to Summoner Spell to run on supports (largely because Assassins are gone). Maybe this makes Exhaust more attractive in those instances, but I think Ignite will still be the default spell.


Hail of Blades

"MAXIMUM TIME BETWEEN ATTACKS: 2 seconds >>> 3 seconds COOLDOWN: 4 seconds out of combat >>> 8 seconds"

Riot wants to expand the Hail of Blades users because right now it’s only taken on a few junglers like Rek’Sai and Xin Zhao. If you can find a way to avoid being in combat for four seconds during a trade, this is a huge buff. Not only has the time cut-off for additional hits been increased to ensure players can proc Hail of Blades fully, but it will now be available more often thanks to its shorter cooldown. This is a great buff for laning Hail of Blades users, less so for junglers who utilize the keystone.

Legend: Alacrity, Tenacity, and Bloodline


Basically making these runes stack less from farming and more from killing, which should (hopefully) help make pro play a bit more aggressive.

Perfect Timing

"OUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT: Grants a Commencing Stopwatch that becomes a Replica Stopwatch at 10 minutes >>> Grants a Commencing Stopwatch that becomes a Replica Stopwatch at 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. [REM] YOU CAN’T PUSH IT UNDERGROUND: No longer additionally reduces the cooldown of Guardian’s Angel, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Zhonya’s Hourglass by 15% STOPWATCH COST: 600g >>> 650g"

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Stopwatch is an insanely strong item in League of Legends and Perfect Timing gives you this for free. That’s a 650g value on this rune, which makes it basically mandatory for anyone in pro play to take. I think they should just remove this rune entirely and make Stopwatch only purchasable in the shop.

P.S. Whoever snuck those Muse lyrics in here has my undying love.

Phase Rush

"MAXIMUM TIME BETWEEN ATTACKS: 3 seconds >>> 4 seconds MOVEMENT SPEED: 25-40% >>> 25-40%, increased to 30-50% for melee champions"

Increasing the time gap allowance between autos and spells means players can proc Phase Rush more frequently, a nice buff. Now, melee champions benefit from the rune more than ranged champions due to the movement speed buff. As a result, you can expect to see more bruisers take this keystone in the future and use it to maneuver around a trade swiftly to get off more autos and spells.

Prototype: Omnistone

"LUCK OF THE DRAW: Will no longer give the player Press the Attack or Conqueror as their first rune"

This is a great QoL buff for the few players out there who enjoy donning the latest addition to the rune tree, removing some of the forced PvP aspect of the rune during the first rotation. Will this lead to a huge rise in Omnistone’s popularity? Probably not, but it will make the keystone much more pleasant to play with from Patch 10.4 onwards.


Immolate Items

"Bami’s Cinder [NEW] IMMOLATE: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 6-23 (+0.02 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you Cinderhulk [NEW] IMMOLATE: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 12-29 (+0.04 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you Sunfire Cape [NEW] IMMOLATE: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 26-43 (+0.05 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you"

League of Tanks! Provided these numbers are slightly broken on release (which they always are let’s face it), tanks will dominate the meta in both top lane and jungle for Patch 10.4. Not only does it burn those around you, but it also releases a huge burst of damage when you land CC, making trading extremely difficult for opposing laners.

The monster clear speed provided could lead to much faster jungle rotations, resulting in more ganks and more action early on if you’ve picked a tank jungler. Ornn and Sejuani are huge benefactors of this change as they’re already highly prioritized in the current meta and already build these items.

Slow Resistance Calculation Adjustment

"We’re making an adjustment to how slow resistance stacks on a champion to match Tenacity stacking. Now, slow resistance will stack multiplicatively instead of linearly. As an example of the change, two 30% slow resistance effects will now reduce slows by 51% rather than 60%."

Basically, stacking slows are now calculated differently and will be less effective when more than one slow is applied. This is a huge buff to tanks and bruisers, who can either apply those slows or need to walk through slows to deal their damage.