TFT: Patch 10.4 Aggregated Tier List for Best Units and Comps

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Teamfight Tactics. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

We give our TFT unit tier list for Patch 10.4.

Patch 10.4 gave a big buff to Glacials as well as nerfs to the Crystal and Poison comps that dominated the TFT meta. We’ll discuss whether Olaf has returned as the apex carry in the best comps, whether Twitch and Ashe are no longer viable, and give our take of the best units and comps in the new patch!

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Unit Tier list

S tier: Taric, Singed, Kindred (⇑), Lux, Twitch, Ashe, Nami, Malphite
A+ tier: Master Yi (⇑), Annie, Amumu (⇓)
A tier: Sion (⇑), Kha’Zix, Karma, Janna, Azir (⇑), Yorick (⇓), Brand (⇓), Dr. Mundo (⇑), Zed
B tier: Qiyana, Leona, Lucian, Nautilus
C tier: Kog’Maw, Olaf, Malzahar, Varus, Yasuo (⇑), Thresh (⇓), Aatrox, Ezreal, Syndra, Soraka (⇓), Renekton (⇑), Veigar, Taliyah, Vladimir, Senna (⇑), Zyra (⇑)
D tier: Skarner (⇓), Volibear, Rek’Sai, Braum (⇑), Nasus (⇓), Sivir, Nocturne, Leblanc, Jax, Diana, Vayne (⇓)
F tier: Ivern, Maokai, Neeko, Ornn, Warwick

Tier 1 champions (change from last patch)

    1. Leona (-)
    2. Kog’Maw (-)
    3. Renekton (+5)
    4. Taliyah (-1)
    5. Vladimir (-)
    6. Zyra (+1)
    7. Nasus (-1)
    8. Diana (+1)
    9. Vayne (-5)
    10. Ivern (-)
    11. Maokai (-)
    12. Ornn (-)
    13. Warwick (-)

Tier 2 champions

    1. Malzahar (+3)
    2. Varus (-)
    3. Yasuo (+8)
    4. Thresh (-3)
    5. Syndra (-2)
    6. Senna (+3)
    7. Skarner (-2)
    8. Volibear (-2)
    9. Rek’Sai (-2)
    10. Braum (+3)
    11. LeBlanc (-1)
    12. Jax (-4)
    13. Neeko (-1)

Tier 3 champions

    1. Kindred (-)
    2. Sion (+3)
    3. Karma (-1)
    4. Azir (+3)
    5. Dr. Mundo (+1)
    6. Qiyana (-3)
    7. Nautilus (-3)
    8. Aatrox (+1)
    9. Ezreal (+1)
    10. Soraka (-2)
    11. Veigar (-)
    12. Sivir (+1)
    13. Nocturne (-1)

Tier 4 champions

    1. Twitch (+1)
    2. Ashe (+2)
    3. Malphite (-2)
    4. Annie (+1)
    5. Kha’Zix (+2)
    6. Janna (+2)
    7. Yorick (-4)
    8. Brand (-1)
    9. Lucian (-)
    10. Olaf (-)

Tier 5 champions

    1. Taric (-)
    2. Singed (-)
    3. Nami (+1)
    4. Master Yi (+1)
    5. Amumu (-2)
    6. Zed (-)