League of Legends: Reviewing the New Blood Moon Skins

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

We review the Blood Moon skins that were released on League of Legends Patch 10.4.

Patch 10.4 gives us the release of three new skins to the Blood Moon Line for Master Yi, Katarina, and Tryndamere.  Let’s inspect them a bit to see if you should add them to your League of Legends skin collection.

Katarina is the first skin in the line and costs 1350 RP. It has the standard color scheme of Blood Moon skins in gold and red with Kat herself having darker white hair.

The skin is a step up from regular Katarina and I would consider buying it if you main her. There are also chromas for this skin that you can consider as well.

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The next skin we have is Master Yi and it also costs 1350 RP. This looks pretty good as well, but I can’t help but think it looks too similar to the Night Bringer line of skins.

Either way it does look pretty cool especially the recall animation with the statute. It’s un upgrade over standard Master Yi for sure and one of his better skins. Blood Moon Master Yi also has chroma options as well.

The final skin in this trio is Tryndamere at the cost of 1350 RP. At first, I saw this skin and was like “oh a Tryndamere skin that does me no good since I don’t play him” and kind of moved on. Then I did see it in-game and I was this actually looks kind of nice.

The color scheme works well and it’s nice to see a more modern skin for Tryndamere. Plus the red color stands out when he’s raging, so that’s a useful visual reminder. There are also chromas for this skin.

I was pleasantly surprised by the new Blood Moon skins after I took a second look at them. Usually I would have said I don’t really play these champs, or like the Blood Moon skin line, so I’m going to skip them. I don’t think these are the skins to skip and I would recommend picking them up for your skin collection.