League of Legends: How to Disable Eternals and Why You Should

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
Giant Enemy Crabgot. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

The League of Legends new stat tracking system, Eternals, has gotten mixed feedback. Here is how to disable Eternals, if you so choose.

It’s very rare that Riot creates a cosmetic or add-on for League of Legends players that they just flatly don’t like. There have been skins that were canceled as sub-standard in quality and people have complained about paying for leveling boosts for a long time, but no content system has probably gotten as much backlash as Eternals.

For the low (lol) price of 600 RP – or just under $5 USD – you can get a Series 1 Eternals set for your favorite champion so that you can see and show off all your accomplishments on your favorite champions. Essentially, for just over the price of a low-cost skin you can upgrade your mastery emote and flex on your enemies when you get that 10,000th Death Sentence hook onto an enemy as Thresh.

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Whether Eternals are worth their weight in RP is really neither here nor there. Everyone will have a different value proposition in wanting to see their more in-depth stats and to some who play only one champion having that extra swagger for their main could be worth-while. It’s also worth noting that Riot has said that they will make some Eternals available for Blue Essence.

My big problem with Eternals, though, isn’t for the people who want to spend their RP freely, but those who have to deal with the consequences.

You see, whenever a player achieves a certain milestone tracked by Eternals, the entire match will get a notification of this accomplishment. While this is a nice idea to recognize players accomplishments, it does also create a distraction and annoyance factor for the other players.

If you’re like me, and don’t want to be bugged with the fact the enemy Kled just got his 100th hit on a champion with a max-range Chaaaaarge! (yes, that’s a real stat Eternals tracks apparently), there is an easy fix to disable Eternals. If you see Eternals in your death recap, you can simply press the “N” key to remove that information, but that will only disable the information until you respawn (meaning you’ll have to do it again if you die).

If you’d rather just get rid of Eternals altogether, you can go into the menu in-game and find the Eternals tab. There’ll be an option to disable Eternals, so you can quickly remove having to see the Eternals for now on.

I will be taking this option because I don’t want to have these distractions or tilt triggers in my solo queue games, but let us know if you’re going to leave Eternals active or even buy some yourself!