TFT: Patch 10.5 Aggregated Tier List for Best Units and Comps

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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Teamfight Tactics. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

We give our TFT unit tier list for Patch 10.5 so you can find the best comps.

After Patch 10.5, we say goodbye to Set 2: Rise of the Elements for good. While we’re all looking forward to Set 3: Galaxies and TFT: Mobile, the ranked season for Set 2 is still going on. If you want to make a last push to gold to get those sweet ranked rewards, our tier list for the best units and comps is here to help!

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Unit Tier list

S tier: Taric, Singed, Kindred, Master Yi (⇑), Lux, Twitch, Ashe, Nami
A+ tier: Yorick (⇑), Malphite (⇓), Karma (⇑), Zed (⇑), Amumu, Annie, Azir (⇑)
A tier: Sion, Janna, Kha’Zix, Brand
B tier: Leona, Qiyana, Dr. Mundo (⇓), Nautilus, Lucian, Olaf (⇑), Yasuo (⇑)
C tier: Soraka, Varus, Ezreal, Thresh, Senna, Malzahar, Kog’Maw, Braum (⇑), Sivir (⇑), Volibear (⇑), Veigar, Skarner (⇑), Syndra, Renekton, Vladimir, Taliyah,
D tier:  Zyra (⇓), Aatrox (⇓), Vayne, Rek’Sai, Jax, Nasus, Nocturne, Leblanc, Diana
F tier: Ornn, Ivern, Maokai, Neeko, Warwick

Tier 1 champions (change from last patch)

    1. Leona (-)
    2. Kog’Maw (-)
    3. Renekton (-)
    4. Vladimir (+1)
    5. Taliyah (-1)
    6. Zyra (-)
    7. Vayne (+2)
    8. Nasus (-1)
    9. Diana (-1)
    10. Ornn (+2)
    11. Ivern (-1)
    12. Maokai (-1)
    13. Warwick (-)

    Tier 2 champions

      1. Yasuo (+3)
      2. Varus (-)
      3. Thresh (+1)
      4. Senna (+2)
      5. Malzahar (-2)
      6. Braum (+4)
      7. Volibear (+1)
      8. Syndra (-3)
      9. Skarner (-2)
      10. Rek’Sai (-1)
      11. Jax (+1)
      12. LeBlanc (-1)
      13. Neeko (-)

      Tier 3 champions

        1. Kindred (-)
        2. Karma (+1)
        3. Azir (+1)
        4. Sion (-2)
        5. Qiyana (+1)
        6. Dr. Mundo (-1)
        7. Nautilus (-)
        8. Soraka (+2
        9. Ezreal (-)
        10. Sivir (+2)
        11. Veigar (-)
        12. )Aatrox (-4)
        13. Nocturne (-)

        Tier 4 champions

          1. Twitch (-)
          2. Ashe (-)
          3. Yorick (+4)
          4. Malphite (-1)
          5. Annie (-1)
          6. Janna (+1)
          7. Kha’Zix (-1)
          8. Brand (-)
          9. Lucian (-)
          10. Olaf (-)

          Tier 5 champions

            1. Taric (-)
            2. Singed (-)
            3. Master Yi (+1)
            4. Nami (-1)
            5. Zed (+1)
            6. Amumu (-1)