TFT Tier List: Best Champions and Comps in Patch 10.9

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

We give our TFT tier list for Patch 10.9 to show the best units and comps.

Two new Galaxies to play with (and three cool, new arenas) in Patch 10.9. We’ve already broken down the new Treasure Trove Galaxy and some of the coolest niche comps to play that should still be viable on this new patch, but now it’s time to give our official Patch 10.9 TFT tier list!

After the nerfs, Syndra and Master Yi are struggling, while Star Guardians are basically in the dumpster (outside of the Mana Printer comp, which is still in a decent spot). With the big vertical comps like Cybernetic, Dark Star, Rebels, Sorcerers, and Mech-Pilots getting nerfed, is this the time for Vanguards and Mystics to shine? Our TFT tier list for Patch 10.9 will show what we and sources around the internet believe are the best units and comps in the meta.

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Champion Tier List

S tier: Miss Fortune, Lulu, Kayle (⇑), Ekko (⇑),
A+ tier: Jhin (⇑), Thresh (⇑), Xerath (⇑), Irelia (⇓),
A tier: Jinx, Lucian (⇓), Fizz (⇑), Shaco (⇓), Cho’Gath (⇓), Wukong (⇑), Kai’Sa
B tier: Vi, Jayce, Rumble, Aurelion Sol (⇑), Blitzcrank (⇓), Ashe, Ezreal, Lux, Xin Zhao (⇓), Soraka, Kassadin (⇑), Shen, Gangplank
C tier: Vel’Koz (⇓), Rakan (⇓), Malphite (⇑), Leona, Annie (⇓), Neeko (⇓), Karma (⇑), Syndra (⇓), Graves (⇑)
D tier: Master Yi, Darius (⇓), Mordekaiser (⇓), Kha’Zix (⇑), Sona, Yasuo (⇓), Ahri (⇓), Jarvan IV, Fiora, Xayah (⇑)
F tier: Poppy (⇓), Zoe, Caitlyn, Twisted Fate, Ziggs

Class Tier List

S tier: Mercenary (⇑), Blaster (⇑)
A+ tier: Mystic, Infiltrator (⇑)
A tier: Blademaster, Mana-Reaver, Brawler
B tier: Sniper, Starship (⇑),
C tier: Sorcerer (⇓), Vanguard (⇑)
D tier: Protector (⇓), Demolitionist (⇑)
F tier:

Origin Tier List

S tier: Valkyrie
A+ tier: Celestial
A tier: Cybernetic (⇓), Dark Star
B tier: Mech-Pilot (⇓), Chrono (⇓), Void (⇓)
C tier: Rebel (⇓), Space Pirate (⇓)
D tier:
F tier: Star Guardian (⇓)