TFT Tier List: The Best Champions and Comps to Use in Patch 10.10

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

We give our TFT tier list for Patch 10.9 to show the best units and comps.

Patch 10.10 didn’t bring a whole lot of new elements to the TFT meta. Yes, there is a brand new galaxy but it is still a bit early to say how much it will help or hurt gameplay of specific comps. That said, with the balance changes, we can unveil our TFT tier list for the new patch!

In the new patch, both Rebels and Space Pirates are in significantly better spots than they were in the past, while Mech-Pilots have fallen off heavily. We break down all the changes to our tier list and more in the Patch 10.10 TFT tier list!

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Champion Tier List

S tier: Miss Fortune, Lulu, Kayle, Irelia (⇑), Jinx (⇑)
A+ tier: Thresh, Gangplank (⇑), Cho’Gath
A tier: Ekko (⇓), Wukong, Vel’Koz (⇑), Kassadin (⇑), Xerath (⇓), Vi (⇑), Kai’Sa, Blitzcrank (⇑)
B tier: Aurelion Sol, Shen, Ezreal, Ashe, Fizz (⇓), Jhin (⇓),  Jayce, Lucian (⇓), Lux, Soraka, Sona (⇑), Xayah (⇑), Rumble, Shaco (⇓)
C tier: Ahri (⇑), Rakan, Annie, Graves, Malphite, Darius (⇑), Twisted Fate (⇑)
D tier: Jarvan IV, Syndra (⇓), Poppy (⇑), Xin Zhao (⇓), Kha’Zix, Fiora, Karma (⇓)
F tier: Yasuo (⇓), Zoe, Neeko (⇓), Leona (⇓), Caitlyn, Master Yi (⇓), Mordekaiser (⇓), Ziggs

Class Tier List

S tier: Mercenary, Blaster (⇑)
A+ tier: Mystic, Mana-Reaver (⇑)
A tier: Blademaster, Brawler
B tier: Starship, Infiltrator (⇓)
C tier: Sorcerer, Vanguard, Sniper (⇓)
D tier:
F tier: Demolitionist (⇓), Protector (⇓)

Origin Tier List

S tier: Valkyrie
A+ tier: Celestial
A tier: Cybernetic, Chrono (⇑), Void (⇑)
B tier: Space Pirate (⇑), Rebel (⇑)
C tier: Dark Star (⇓), Mech-Pilot (⇓)
D tier: Star Guardian (⇑)
F tier: