League of Legends: Which Champions Will Use the New Mythic Items

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Riot has revealed a new tier of items coming to League of Legends in Season 11. Let’s look at the new Mythic Items and which champions will want to buy them!

With Season 10 winding down and fans everywhere wrapped up in Worlds talk, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that Season 11 is going to be bringing some massive changes to League of Legends. Today, Riot dropped us a friendly reminder by previewing all the new item changes that will be hitting the PBE soon. Among these changes, perhaps the biggest is the introduction of Mythic items.

For those unaware, Mythic items are items that are a tier above Legendary. You can only have one Mythic item per game and it will enhance the stats of your other items as well. With some really unique effects and interactions available, let’s take a look at all 22 Mythic items Riot has teased!

Marksmen Mythic Items

"Galeforce3400 gold+55 Attack Damage+20% Attack Speed+20% Critical Strike ChanceActive – Zephyr Strike: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest-health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of 105-300 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) magic damage, increased against low-Health targets by up to 50% against targets at 30% Health. (90 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +3% Move Speed."

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The active is going to be big not just on immobile carries but also ADCs that build a lot of crit and attack speed, regardless if they have mobility already in their kit.

Champions who will buy: Caitlyn, Jinx, Ashe, Xayah, Senna, Kog’Maw, Gangplank

"Kraken Slayer3400 gold+60 Attack Damage+25% Attack Speed+20% Critical Strike ChanceHarpoon: Every third Attack is enhanced, dealing an additional 80-120 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) true damage.Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items +10% Attack Speed."

No active effect, just an auto-attack enhancer like Vayne’s Silver Bolts. This will be great on scaling ADCs and against tanks, but doesn’t really suit the early game AD Carries because it scales off bonus AD.

Champions who will buy: Jinx, Twitch, Vayne, Tristana, Sivir, Varus, Jax

Immortal Shieldbow

"3400 gold+50 Attack Damage+15% Attack Speed+20% Critical Strike Chance+12% Life StealLifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below 30% health, gain a 150-650 (lv 1-18) shield for 3 seconds. In addition, gain 20% Life Steal for 8 seconds. (90 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items + 8 Armor and +8 Magic Resist."

The Mythic passive isn’t great on ADCs, who aren’t going to be building a lot of armor or MR in their builds, so I think this is actually going to be abused by Bruisers. However, there are a few marksmen who could also use this.

Champions who will buy: Tryndamere, Yasuo, Yone, Jax, Draven, Jhin, Kalista, Samira, Teemo, Gnar

Tank Mythic Items

Sunfire Aegis

"3200 gold+450 Health+30 Armor+30 Magic Resist+15 Ability HasteImmolate: Deal 20-40 (lv 1-18) (+1% bonus Health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 50% against minions and monsters). Damaging enemy Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by 12% for 5 seconds (stacks 6 times).Radiance: At max stacks, your basic attacks explode around you, burning nearby enemies for your Immolate damage for 3 seconds.Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5 Ability Haste."

Remember that Ability Haste is the new stat that will replace cooldown reduction, so this item is all about teamfighting, as you want to have it procing against multiple enemy champions and/or neutral objectives.

Champions who will buy: Maokai, Sion, Ornn, Malphite, Dr. Mundo, Volibear

"Frostfire Gauntlet3200 gold+350 Health+50 Armor+30 Magic Resist+15 Ability HasteImmolate: Deal 20-40 (lv 1-18) (+1% bonus Health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 50% against minions and monsters).Frostfire: Attacks create a frost field that slows enemies by 30% (+4% per 1000 bonus Health) for 1.5 seconds. (4 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +100 health and +7.5% Size."

This is all about the Juggernauts, those champions who need a way to stick onto their targets. It’s also pretty good against other tanks with the percent health scaling.

Champions who will buy: Gnar, Sejuani, Nunu, Garen, Trundle, Nasus, Yorick, Singed

Berserker Suit

"3200 gold+350 Health+30 Armor+50 Magic Resist+15 Ability HasteActive – Pursuit: Grants +75% Move Speed when moving toward enemies or enemy turrets for 4 seconds. Once near an enemy (or after 4 seconds) a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Move Speed by 75% for 2 seconds. (90 second cooldown)Immolate: Deal 20-40 (lv 1-18) (+1% bonus Health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 50% against minions and monsters).Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items +5% Tenacity and Slow Resist"

Berserker Suit is for champions who just want to run you down and be unstoppable, but don’t necessarily have a big issue getting to you.

Champions who will buy: Sett, Darius, Udyr, Rammus, Olaf

AD Assassin Mythic Items

Duskblade of Draktharr

"3200 gold+55 Attack Damage+18 Lethality+25 Ability HasteDusk: Attacking an enemy champion deals 50-150 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) additional physical damage and slows them by 99% for 0.25 seconds (15 second cooldown). When a champion you have damaged within the last 3 seconds is killed, reset this cooldown and gain invisibility for 1.5 seconds.Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5 Ability Haste.This is tailor-made for AD assassins who have an easy go-in button, but not an easy way to get out once they are it. The reset on kills granting invisibility is going to be straight-up bonkers on some champions who don’t have that in their kits."

Champions who will buy: Talon, Rengar, Wukong, Lee Sin, Xin Zhao


"3200 gold+55 Attack Damage+18 Lethality+10% OmnivampMoon Strike: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 1.5 seconds deals bonus physical damage equal to 16% of their maximum Health and grants you 30% Move Speed and a 150 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) shield (100 (+60% bonus Attack Damage) for ranged champions) for 2 seconds. (6 second cooldown, 12 seconds for ranged champions)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5% Armor Penetration.This is pitched as a duelist item and I think that’s exactly what it will be. Champions who want to 1v1 will love the extra move speed and shielding."

Champions who will buy: Kled, Camille, Renekton, Zed, Shaco, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Quinn

Prowler’s Claw

"3200 gold+65 Attack Damage+21 Lethality+10 Ability HasteActive – From the Shadows: Dash through target enemy, dealing 100-200 (lv 1-18) (+45% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and reducing their Armor by 30% for 3 seconds. (60 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +6 LethalityOh this item is purely about being able to blow someone up instantly. This will be wonderful if you’re a champion who already has a way to close the gap, use the active, and then do a lot of burst damage very quickly."

Champions who will buy: Kha’Zix, Rengar, Pyke, Kayn, Renekton, Pantheon

AP Mythic Items

Liandry’s Anguish

"3400 gold+80 Ability Power+600 Mana+25 Ability HasteTorment: Your spells cause enemies to burn for 60 (+10% Ability Power) (+4% target’s maximum health) magic damage over 4 seconds, shredding their Magic Resist by 5% per second for 4 seconds (up to 25%)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5 Ability Haste"

Champions who like Liandry’s Torment now (ones who do big, AoE damage and/or can fire out a lot of consistent spells with damage over time) are going to love this. Obviously, it’ll be great for shredding tanks late game.

Champions who will buy: Cassiopeia, Rumble, Karthus, Malzahar, Brand

Luden’s Tempest

"3400 gold+80 Ability Power+600 Mana+10 Ability Haste+10 Magic PenetrationEcho: Damaging an enemy with an Ability deals 100 (+15% Ability Power) additional magic damage to your target and 3 nearby enemies and grant you 30% Move Speed for 3 seconds. (8 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items +5 Magic Penetration"

This is basically going to be for wave-clear champions and artillery mages. The extra flat magic pen is good to have if you’re a champion who relies heavily on multiple spell rotations for damage and is facing enemies not stacking a lot of MR.

Champions who will buy: Ziggs, Xerath, Ahri, Lux, Orianna, Syndra, Lux, Zoe


"3400 gold+80 Ability Power+200 Health+600 Mana+10 Ability HasteActive – Frigid Blast: Deal 100 (+30% Ability Power) damage in a cone, slowing enemies by 65% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (45 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +15 Ability Power"

This is perfect for low-range mages who need to get up on top of you to deal damage (or land their crowd control). It’s also perfect for high-AP stackers who don’t care about reducing resistances.

Champions who will buy: Veigar, Morgana, Anivia, Ryze, Viktor, Vladimir, Twisted Fate

Hextech Rocketbelt

"3200 gold+80 Ability Power+250 Health+15 Ability HasteActive – Fire Bolt: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of rockets that deal 250-350 (lv 1-18) magic damage. Then, gain 75% Move Speed toward champions for 1 second. (40 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items +5 Magic Penetration"

This item grants no mana and is all about increasing your burst while also adding mobility. Expect some mana-less AP assassins to tinker with this.

Champions who will buy: Akali, Katarina, Leblanc, Annie, Diana, Kennen

Axamuk’s Folly

"3200 gold+80 Ability Power+15 Ability Haste+150 Health+10% OmnivampCorruption: For each second in champion combat, deal 3% bonus damage (max 15%). While this effect is maxed, convert 100% of the bonus damage into true damage.Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5% Magic Penetration."

This is probably the best of the Mythic items for Battlemages who want to sit in the middle of the fight, able to tank the enemy’s damage, while still doing AP damage, will adore this item.

Champions who will buy: Vladimir, Rumble, Anivia, Fiddlesticks, Amumu, Swain

Night Harvester

"3200 gold+80 Ability Power+250 Health+15 Ability HasteThe Reaping: Damaging an enemy champion deals 150-250 (lv1-18) magic damage and grants you 25% Move Speed for 1.5 seconds. (60 second cooldown per champion)Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items +5 Ability Haste"

Getting your cooldowns up quicker and also dealing extra damage with a speed boost is more something I think AP assassins might want.

Champions who will buy: Fizz, Leblanc, Syndra, Zoe, Kassadin, Azir

AD Fighter Mythic Items

Trinity Force

"3333 gold+33 Attack Damage+33% Attack Speed+200 Health+15 Ability HasteSwift Strikes: Your Attacks grant you 25 Move Speed and (5% Base Attack Damage) Base Attack Damage for 3 seconds. Base Attack Damage increase stacks up to 6 times.Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals (200% base Attack Damage) bonus physical damage. (1.5 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +15% Attack Speed"

Trinity Force users now will probably still be sticking with this now that it’s been upgraded to Mythic item status.

Champions who will buy: Jax, Irelia, Hecarim, Warwick, Trundle, Nasus, Gangplank


"3300 gold+45 Attack Damage+400 Health+15 Ability Haste+150% Base Health RegenerationActive – Thirsting Slash: Deal (110% total Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies in a circle. Recover (20% total Attack Damage) Health + 12% missing Health for each champion hit. (15 second cooldown, reduced by Ability Haste)Aggression: Gain 1% increased Attack Damage for every 5% of your missing Health (max 15% Attack Damage at 75% missing Health).Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +3 Ability Haste and +5 Attack Damage"

Fighters who thrive at being at low health will love this, especially AD stackers.

Champions who will buy: Tryndamere, Olaf, Kled, Master Yi, Graves


"3300 gold+50 Attack Damage+20% Attack Speed+300 Health+10 Ability HasteNimble: Dealing physical damage grants you 20 Move Speed on hit for 2 seconds, increased to 60 if it kills the unit.Active – Swift Slash: Lunge a short distance and deal (110% total Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies in a circle, slowing them by 60%, decaying over 2 seconds. (20 second cooldown)Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +3% Move Speed"

Champions that want to keep pace with their enemies and/or close the gap quickly will love Stridebreaker.

Champions who will buy: Darius, Yorick, Garen, Illaoi, Aatrox, Udyr

Divine Devourer

"3300 gold+40 Attack Damage+400 Health+25 Ability HasteSpellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 6% of your max Health. (1.5 second cooldown, 150% base Attack Damage minimum damage)Feast: When Spellblade hits a champion, heal for 60% of the damage amountMythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +100 Health"

This is meant for champions who are going to weave in a lot of auto attacks between their abilities. Think Spear of Shojin users, they will like this item.

Champions who will buy: Aatrox, Renekton, Jax, Set, Wukong, Graves

Enchanter Mythic Items

Shurelya’s Battlesong

"2600 gold+300 Health+25 Ability Haste+10% Move SpeedActive – Inspire: Grants you and nearby allies 40% decaying Move Speed for 4 seconds and 60-100 (lv 1-18) bonus magic damage on the next 3 Attacks or Ability hits against champions.Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +3% Move Speed."

This item is probably fine on all Enchanters, but which one you will take is probably dependent on the ADC you’re paired with. For this one, it’s for less-mobile AD Carries or when you’re on a dive-heavy team.

Champions who will buy: Soraka, Morgana, Janna, Yuumi, Rakan

Locket of the Iron Solari

"2600 gold+150 Health+25 Ability Haste+30 Magic Resist+30 ArmorActive – Intervention: Grant nearby allies a 260-430 (ally lv 1-18) shield, decaying over 2.5 seconds. (90 second cooldown)Iron Aura: Grant nearby allied champions +5 Armor and Magic Resist.Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items a +2 Armor and Magic Resist increase to Iron Aura."

If you like Locket now, you’ll like Locket in Season 11.

Champions who will buy: Taric, Thresh, Blitzcrank, Nami

Moonstone Renewer

"2600 gold+150 Health+25 Ability Haste+100% Base Mana RegenerationVital Stream: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, heal the most damaged nearby ally for 30-60 (lv 1-18) Health (2 second cooldown). Each second spent in combat with champions increases this healing effect by 25% (max 100%).Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items +5 Ability Haste."

This is great for healers, but it’s actually best for champions who can land a lot of poke with attacks or shield their allies.

Champions who will buy: Lulu, Janna, Sona, Karma, Senna, Bard, Zilean

Which of the new League of Legends Mythic items are you most excited to try out? Let us know in the comments!