League of Legends: Ranking All the Best Lux Skins

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Lux is one of the faces of League of Legends, so we’re here to rank each of her skins to determine which is the best.

If League of Legends was an anime, Lux would undoubtedly be the protagonist. The most popular mid laner in the game, the Lady of Luminosity has 12 skins to her name, including one ultimate skin.

Now, a lot of her skins are not cheap, with half of Lux’s skins costing over 1350 RP, but she unquestionably has some of the most impressive skin collections in the game. Today, we will look at and rank every single skin for our favorite magical Demacian to give you our pick for the best skin in the game.

12. Spellthief Lux

Price: 750 RP

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One of Lux’s older skins, this firmly falls into the “slap a coat of paint on the champion” category of skins. It’s the base skin, just purple. No special effects, new VOs, or animations. It’s also quite expensive for the quality of skin you’re getting.

11. Commando Lux

Price: 520 RP

Another “coat of paint” skin, this one is green instead of purple! The one redeeming factor this has over the Spellthief skin is that it’s at least cheaper.

10. Sorceress Lux

Price: 520 RP

While this skin doesn’t have any new bells and whistles, the Sorceress skin is undoubtedly the most detailed of the “coat of paint” basic skins Lux has. Plus, with such a low cost you really can’t go wrong.

9. Steel Legion Lux

Price: 975 RP

Now we start getting into some skins that have more than a coat of paint. The Steel Legion skin actually has unique particle effects, making her projectiles blue instead of yellow. Other than that, there’s not much to say about this skin.

7. Imperial Lux

Price: 975 RP

On the flip side, the Imperial skin doesn’t have any new particle effects but it does have some new animations including her recall animation. Again, though, this skin is otherwise quite basic.

6. Pajama Party Lux

Price: 1350 RP

I’ve gone on record that I think the Pajama Party skins are quite bad and Lux’s skin is no exception. The particle effects are basically all lifted from her Star Guardian skin and the skin itself just looks goofy to me. If the Pajama Party skins are your thing, that’s great, but I think they’re quite bad.

5. Lunar Empress Lux

Price: 1350 RP

We’re now in the territory of skins that I would buy if I had the RP. Even though Lunar Empress isn’t towards the top of my list, this is a very good skin with some very nice new animations and effects. However, what holds the Lunar Empress skins back is that the particle effects, while updated, are sort of just re-skins of her original particles.

4. Battle Academia Lux

Price: 1350 RP

Even though I like the Battle Academia skin line, Lux’s skin is probably one of the weakest in this line. The character model looks really good, but I’m just not a big fan of the new animations or effects. What saves this skin and puts it above the Lunar Empress skin, though, is the effects on her ult. Watching Lux throw out her Light Binding with that anime animation is always satisfying.

3. Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux

Price: 1820 RP

I put these two skins together because they’re basically different colorings of the same skin, but both skins have the same animations and effects otherwise. Either one is a worthy addition to your collection as the particle effects just exude that all-powerful, galactic force that the theme is aiming to replicate. Highly underrated skin.

2. Star Guardian Lux

Price: 1350 RP

No question this is one of the most popular skins in Lux’s collection and for good reason. The particle effects, with bright colors and star shapes on her Light Binding, are gorgeous as is the character model. Plus, the new animations that Lux gets in her Star Guardian skin might be among the best in the game.

1. Elementalist Lux

Price: 3250 RP

Her most expensive skin, and one of the most expensive in the game, is still unquestionably the best. It has all the bells and whistles that you would expect, with new animations, a gorgeous character model that makes her look like a Disney princess, and amazing rendering on her effects. But what makes this item unique also allows you to swallow the high price tag.

Elementalist Lux has 10 distinct forms – Light, Water, Air, Fire, Nature, Ice, Storm, Magma, and Dark – each with its own unique particle effects and champion model. Essentially, you’re getting 10 skins for the price of one and each of them are gorgeous. You also will see your model change throughout the game, depending on the next forms you pick. Even though this skin might make you break your piggy bank, the detail, design, and uniqueness make it worth the price.