League of Legends: At the End of Season 10 Your Rank Doesn’t Matter

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

With Season 10 ending tonight, it’s important to remember that rank doesn’t really matter in League of Legends.

Tonight, the long, dark road for many solo queue players ends. League of Legends Season 10 officially ends tonight with the conclusion of the ranked season. A lot of players are going to spend most of today and tonight furiously playing to hit their desired rank, whether it be Gold, Diamond, or Challenger.

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Some will make it by the skin of their teeth, and some will miss by an inch. I’m here to tell you, Summoners, that if you don’t make it to Gold in Season 10, it’s going to be okay.

In two months, when Season 11 starts back up, you’re going to have another crack at it. You can take this time to work on your mechanics, watch guides (or read our helpful guides here), or even just take a break, but the point is that your rank now does not mean you can’t do better next year.

Your rank in this game doesn’t represent your worth as a human. No one is going to laugh and point because you ended Season 10 at Silver I or Platinum I. No one cares. Well except for your toxic teammates who you should mute.

Moreover, I’m not even sure that your rank fully represents your skill as a League of Legends player. Yes, if you’re Challenger or you’ve played 1,000 games this year, you’re probably going to end up right where you’re supposed to be.

But if you played 50 ranked games this year and ended up Gold IV? If you role-swapped a few times because you weren’t really sure where you felt most comfortable? If you took a long break and only started playing at the end of the season? Maybe you’re not as bad as your rank indicates.

The point is, League of Legends is a complicated game with a lot of nuances that changes constantly. It is possible to be good at certain aspects of the game and held back by a few fatal flaws. Whether it’s not adjusting to champion metas, not learning the new champions, or just not dedicating the time and effort that others might.

Next. 5 Mistakes Every Player has Made in a Ranked Game. dark

So remember, those who fall short of their ranked goals, it’s not an indictment on you or even a full indictment of your skill. No matter what toxic people on Reddit might say, you’re not garbage for being stuck in Bronze, you just didn’t play enough or didn’t spend enough time reviewing your replays.

Your skill in League of Legends doesn’t impact your worth as a person and the joy you should derive from playing the game. If you fall short, don’t worry. Season 11 is right around the corner.