League of Legends Tier List: The Best Junglers on Patch 10.25

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

We give our League of Legends aggregated solo queue tier list for Patch 10.25, looking at the best junglers!

Patch 10.25 gave us more Amumu nerfs along with some Kayn nerfs, Ekko and Gragas buffs, and Ivern buffs that many players swear have made him OP. We will test out those claims with our latest tier list, looking towards the best junglers this patch.

Our aggregated League of Legends tier list pulled data from ten different sites around the internet to see how they each ranked the top champions in each role in Patch 10.25. From that, we are able to give our average ranking of each champion that was graded or listed in at least half of those tier lists. As always, you can find the link to all the underlying data here.

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Jungle Tier List

S tier: Kha’Zix, Nunu & Willump, Hecarim, Graves
A+ tier:  
A tier: Olaf (⇐⇑), Kayn (⇓), Evelynn (⇑), Rammus, Fiddlesticks (⇑), Ekko (⇑⇒)  
B tier: Udyr (⇐⇓), Rek’Sai (⇐), Master Yi (⇐), Elise, Vi, Amumu (⇓), Ivern (⇑), Lee Sin (⇑), Warwick, Sejuani (⇓), Poppy, Shaco, Zac (⇓), Skarner, Lillia, Kindred, Xin Zhao, Taliyah (*), Volibear, Karthus (⇑⇒)
C tier: Wukong (⇐⇑), Dr. Mundo (⇐⇓), Nidalee (⇐), Gragas (⇐), Nocturne, Jarvan IV (⇓), Rengar, Shyvana (⇓), Jax (⇓) 
D tier: Trundle (⇐⇓), Pantheon (*)
F tier: Sylas (⇓), Sett, Twitch



  • * = new to the League of Legends tier list this patch
  • ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
  • ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
  • ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
  • ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)

Rising Picks

Olaf had a significant rise to his ranking for the second-straight patch as did Lee Sin. Ekko, Karthus, and Wukong all had massive rises in this patch. But the biggest change this patch belonged to Ivern, who went from D tier to mid-B tier in Patch 10.25.

Falling Picks

Kayn, Amumu, and Sylas all took massive drops in this patch, falling at least one tier. Several other junglers had significant drops to their ranking in Patch 10.25:

  • Sejuani
  • Zac
  • Skarner
  • Volibear
  • Jax
  • Sett

Underrated Picks

Evelynn currently has the lowest pick rate of all A tier junglers, with a 2.81% pick rate.

Overrated Picks

Lee Sin has the highest pick rate of all junglers (22.73%) after the buffs despite being a B tier. Other overrated junglers (top-ten pick rate but outside the A tier) are Taliyah, Kindred, and Lillia.

Buffed Champions

Ekko (Low B tier ⇒ Low A tier)
Gragas (Low C tier ⇒ Low C tier)
Ivern (D tier ⇒ B tier)
Karthus (D tier ⇒ Low B tier)
Lee Sin (C tier ⇒ B tier)
Nidalee (C tier ⇒ High C tier)
Pantheon (Unranked ⇒ D tier)
Taliyah (Unranked ⇒ B tier)
Twitch (F tier ⇒ F tier)
Rengar (C tier ⇒ C tier)
Warwick (B tier ⇒ B tier)
Wukong (D tier ⇒ High C tier)

As you can see, a lot of these smaller nerfs didn’t prove to be all that impactful, with a few exceptions. Ivern, we already discussed, as we did with Ekko and Gragas, but it turns out the buffs to Taliyah were incredibly impactful, bringing her into the B tier after coming back into the jungle meta.

Next. Ranking Every Single Graves Skin. dark

Nerfed Champions

Amumu (S tier ⇒ B tier)
Kayn (S tier ⇒ A tier)

A couple of successful nerfs to two of the best junglers in our tier list last patch. Both Kayn and Amumu have fallen down to healthier ratings in Patch 10.25, which is where I would expect each of them to remain in the future.