League of Legends Tier List: The Best Supports in Patch 11.4

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

The support role was largely untouched in Patch 11.4, save for Soraka and Braum buffs. Moonstone Renewer also received some buffs, as did Grievous Wound items, but the expected change to the League of Legends tier list when it comes to supports is relatively small.

Our aggregated League of Legends tier list pulled data from ten different sites around the internet to see how they each ranked the top champions in each role in Patch 11.4. From that, we are able to give our average ranking of each champion that was graded or listed in at least half of those tier lists. As always, you can find the link to all the underlying data here.

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Support Tier List

S tier: Thresh, Seraphine, Leona, Rell (⇒)
A+ tier: Lulu (⇓)
A tier: Alistar (⇐⇓), Bard (⇐), Blitzcrank, Morgana, Shaco, Maokai (⇓), Janna, Zilean, Galio (⇑⇒) 
B tier: Nautilus (⇐⇓), Nami, Sona, Senna, Pyke, Yuumi, Swain, Zyra (⇑⇒), Braum (⇑), Vel’Koz (⇑), Soraka (⇑), Rakan (⇒) 
C tier: Xerath (⇓), Lux (⇓), Taric, Brand (⇓), Karma, Gragas (⇑), Pantheon
D tier: Ashe, Neeko 
F tier: Sett (⇐⇓), Twitch, Shen, Annie (⇓), Poppy, Veigar, Tahm Kench



  • * = new to the League of Legends tier list this patch
  • ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
  • ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
  • ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
  • ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)

Rising Picks

Both Soraka and Gragas rose significantly up the tier list. But that’s most likely a correction to their drop-off last patch.

Falling Picks

Big drops in the ranking to Annie and Pantheon in the support role.

Underrated Picks

For the third-straight patch, Janna is the underrated support pick of the patch with a 2.51% pick rate.

Overrated Picks

Senna is the most overrated pick on the current patch. Her 10.67% pick rate is sixth-highest despite only being a B tier.

Buffed Champions

Braum (C tier ⇒ B tier)
Soraka (C tier ⇒ B tier)

Nerfed Champions
