Breaking down all chat commands in League

Team Curse players Christian 'IWillDominate' Rivera (L), Joedat 'Voyboy' Esfahani (C) and David 'Cop' Roberson (R) prepare for the start of a match as two broadcast technicians (background) prepare the live video feed, during the League of Legends North American Championship Series Spring round robin competition, at the MBS Media Campus in Manhattan Beach, California February 22, 2014. League of Legends is the king of the hot trend in videogame play as a spectator sport, complete with sold-out stadiums and fans camping all night for tickets to matches. AFP PHOTO / ROBYN BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)
Team Curse players Christian 'IWillDominate' Rivera (L), Joedat 'Voyboy' Esfahani (C) and David 'Cop' Roberson (R) prepare for the start of a match as two broadcast technicians (background) prepare the live video feed, during the League of Legends North American Championship Series Spring round robin competition, at the MBS Media Campus in Manhattan Beach, California February 22, 2014. League of Legends is the king of the hot trend in videogame play as a spectator sport, complete with sold-out stadiums and fans camping all night for tickets to matches. AFP PHOTO / ROBYN BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

Need help with the main chat commands in League of Legends? Here’s a breakdown on how to use chat in League and interact with your teammates.

Communication is very important when it comes to League of Legends. Such is the case when you’re in a match and need to communicate with your teammates in the heat of battle. Learning all the chat commands in League will help you down the road when it comes to issuing strategies against enemy champions.

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To chat, press the enter button to fire up the chat console. This is how you basically communicate with only your team members when you click Send. If you click Send All, it will send it to everyone in that particular match, including enemy champions.

When you make friends in League, you can send private messages (whispers) by typing in /whisper or /w followed by their name. Hitting /reply or /r will reply to the last person that messaged (whispered) you.

Keep in mind that a Summoner must be on your friends list in order to receive private messages to and from you. That way it eliminates spammers from trying to contact you privately, especially during matches.

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In case you meet Summoners that are causing more grief than usual, you can mute or ignore players completely. In a match, hit the Tab button for the scoreboard then you can easily click on the Mute button next to the person you want to be muted. You can also type in chat /mute followed by their name.

Summoners can also type in some pretty funny emotes right into chat to have their champions perform it. Right at the start of any match or at the opportune time, try any of these that are unique to each champion: /joke, /laugh, /dance, and /taunt. You’ll soon see a different side to every champion featured in League.